
Trinity (Pentecost Tide) Reflections!

“Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord! Be all Thy graces now out poured On each believer’s mind and heart; Thy fervent love to them impart. Lord, by the brightness of Thy light, Thou in the faith dost men unite Of every land and every tongue; This to Thy praise, O Lord, our God, be sung. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!” (TLH 224, 1)

With the Trinity Season almost upon us, Higher Things is very pleased to place this short booklet of reflections before you for your mediation.  This season’s reflections are written by the Rev. Duane Bamsch, pastor of Evangelists Lutheran Church in Kingsbury, TX.

The booklet for all of Pentecost Tide is available in pdf-format for download here.  You can receive the Higher Things Reflections in your e-mail box today! Subscribe by sending any e-mail to: You can find an RSS Feed and Podcast for the Higher Things Daily Reflections here.  Listening to podcasts requires iTunes.  You can download the software for free at  Our Podcast is updated daily.

“Thou holy Fire, Comfort true, Grant us the will Thy work to do And in Thy service to abide; Let trials turn us not aside. Lord, by Thy power prepare each heart And to our weakness strength impart That bravely here we may contend, Through life and death to Thee, our Lord, ascend. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!” (TLH 224, 3)

In Christ Jesus,

Rev. George F. Borghardt III
Internet Services Executive
Higher Things, Inc.

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