Not THE Last Day, but the last day to register for the 2008 Higher Things “Amen” conferences has arrived!
Gather up your registration information and fees, get online, and get your group registered TODAY! After Sunday, March 30, all new registrations must be handled and approved directly by a member of the registration and housing staff. For groups already registered, after April 1, cancellations are non-refundable and cannot be credited toward your group’s final balance, and substitutions may only be made for people of the same gender and category (youth/adult).
Final balances are also due on April 1. If it seems like that came up quickly, please remember that we extended the registration period but we cannot extend the payment schedule as well. Deposits can still be accepted via online payment through PayPal, but the final balance must be paid by check or money order. Please send all registration checks to the address below:
Higher Things Registrations
PMB #4304
2525 Broadway
Everett, WA 98201
If you have any last minute questions about the conferences (this year’s or in general), check out the Frequently Asked Questions at our website.
Even if you don’t have a group going to a conference from your church, you can help to provide some financial support for the conferences. Higher Things Conferences have a number of important expenses that can be underwritten by one or multiple donors. Some of the needs we have are:
- Scholarships for CCV (Christ on Campus Volunteer) registrations so that starving college students don’t have to pay any registration fees (even discounted ones). These young adults work HARD at the conferences and provide invaluable help for all the staff and other volunteers.
- Conference T-shirts for all registrants. We anticipate this expense to cost about $12,000 total. These shirts are a great way for kids to take home a souvenir of their week, and provide great opportunities for them to confess their faith and what they learned when they wear them at home!
- Magazine subscriptions. This year, Higher Things is providing each registrant with a 1-year subscription to Higher Things: Dare to be Lutheran magazine. Value $10,000 total.
Other questions about the conferences can be directed to Specific questions about registration can be sent to and housing concerns should be sent to Or, you can just call 1-888-HT-CONF08.
We also ask everyone to please keep the staff, volunteers, group leaders and especially the youth who are preparing to attend this summer’s conferences in your prayers in the months and weeks ahead.
“Our Paschal Lamb, that sets us free, Is sacrificed. O keep the feast of freedom gallantly; let alleluias leap: Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia! Again, sing alleluia, cry aloud: Alleluia! Amen!
Let all our deeds, unanimous, confess Him as our Lord Who by the Spirit lives in us, the Father’s living Word. Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia! Again, sing alleluia, cry aloud: Alleluia! Amen!”
(LSB #473, verses 1 and 3)