Sensory friendly rooms are available for the first time at this year’s Higher Things youth conferences, thanks to a grant from the Iowa East District’s Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. The LWML district provided funding to create an area where attendees, especially those with sensory and anxiety special needs issues could step away from larger groups at Higher Things conferences and calm down for a few minutes.
“We are thrilled to offer the Sensory Friendly Room at our conferences this summer!” said Higher Things Conference Coordinator Crysten Sanchez. “The rooms have helped individuals who have sensory issues find a calm place to collect themselves, and it has been gratefully received.”
The sensory rooms are supplied with weighted blankets, white noise, lamps, devotional resources, coloring books, and other quiet activities. Attendees have been using the room at each conference so far this year.
The LWML Montana District Divide Zone also provided goodie bags to attendees at this summer’s Montana conference.
Thank you, LWML ladies, for your gifts to Higher Things!
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