They wore shirts that everyone wanted. And they proved why they got them!!!
This years Christ on Campus Student Volunteers simply demonstrated to everyone at The Feast the spirit of togetherness that is Higher Things. They helped with registration. They helped videotape the plenary sessions. They carted the crew’s stuff everywhere. They endured being called “Mullet Heads” by yours truly. They helped out at all the sectionals, passed out evaluations and did just about a little bit of everything to help make the conference run smooth.
And they even had the time and strength to move this rock and balance it on the top of all the other rocks at the Garden of the Gods! Now only Purple People could do that!
The Christ on Campus Student Volunteer program is a wonderful opportunity for college students to have a chance to come to a conference at a reduced rate, play a major part in the behind the scenes work that makes our conferences what they are, and make lasting friendships.
We had Christ on Campus Student Volunteers in 2003 (Arlington) and 2004 (Seattle) but took a year off from the program last summer (St. Louis). This year’s Purple People demonstrated to Higher Things Nation why we won’t ever do so again.
So look out next year as we will have twice the number of Christ on Campus Student Volunteers!
Thanks gang! You were simply the best! Props to the Purple People!