
New HT Publications Executive

Higher Things welcomes Carolyn Cockey as our new Publications Executive!

Carolyn Davis Cockey, MLS, is a leading communications expert and Associate Director of Publications of the international nursing association, the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses ( She has more than 20 years of publishing experience at all levels, from writing and reporting to executive management. She also currently serves as Editor of Every Woman magazine ( and Executive Editor of the nursing journal, Nursing for Women’s Health. Carolyn holds a master’s degree in liberal studies from Indiana University and a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Loyola. She is married to Rev. Joe Cockey, pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Glenwood Springs.  Together, they have two boys, two cats and two dogs that keep them busy! She also leads her church’s youth group and teaches the teen Sunday School class. 

As Publications Executive for Higher Things, more than anything, Carolyn wants to hear ideas and feedback from the those who read the magazine and interact with the organization–no idea is too zany for this lady. Write to her at

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