…but Asheville still has room! Those of you who weren’t able to beat the rush to get registrations and deposits in for the Minneapolis Higher Things conference still have time to register for the Higher Things conference in Asheville, NC. There is still over a month before Registration officially closes on February 15. You may still register for the NC conference online or print off forms and mail them in with your check.
This is not a part of the job that the Registrar and I enjoy. We’d love to be able to tell everyone who wants to attend the conference that there is room. Unfortunately, we have a finite number of spots available and have to tell too many people they can’t come. Please give the Registrar an opportunity to sort through the flurry of materials that have been submitted this week. All groups with approved registrations will be notified in about a week.
Groups who didn’t quite squeak in under the line have a couple of options:
- Transfer your group’s registration to the North Carolina conference and be guaranteed to attend a Higher Things conference next summer. Just email the Registrar with your request.
- Take your chances on a waiting list. Things come up and, occasionally, groups have to cancel at the last moment. We will probably be able to squeeze a few in as the conference gets closer. But we cannot guarantee that any groups on the waiting list will get in.
We recommend that groups take advantage of the first option whenever possible. Don’t risk the waiting list! Yes, some groups cancel and their reservations. But do you really want to risk not going to a FOR YOU conference at all, especially when there’s still room in Asheville?
More information about both conferences will be available soon – tentative schedules, entertainment plans, Christ on Campus Volunteer applications, etc.
Thank you and congratulations to everyone who gathered up materials and deposits and got them in this week. Again, those groups whose registrations were approved for the Minneapolis conference will be notified soon.
In Christ,
Sandra Ostapowich
2007 Minneapolis FOR YOU Conference Coordinator