There’s still time, but you better hurry if you want to attend the 2007 Higher Things conference in Minneapolis! This location of the FOR YOU conference is officially more than half full!
Registration officially closes on February 15, 2007 or when a conference reaches capacity – whichever happens first. Those who register for the Minneapolis conference after it has filled will have the option of either being placed on a waiting list for an opening at that conference or transferring their registration to the other FOR YOU conference held one week later from July 31-August 3, 2007 near Asheville, NC. That conference has nearly double the capacity of the Minneapolis one.
Register your group today for the Summer 2007 Higher Things conferences FOR YOU. Download Individual and Group forms to register by mail, or register online for immediate processing, at our Conference Registration Page.
New information about the two locations will be available soon. In the meantime, check out all the free-time possibilities for your group in both Minneapolis and Asheville. For those who will be seniors in high school next year, we’ve also provided a list of area colleges and Christ on Campus Chapters in case you want to incorporate a campus visit into your trip. There’s so much to do, plan to stay an extra day!
Have a blessed Advent, preparing for your Lord’s coming FOR YOU.
In Christ,
Mrs. Sandra Ostapowich
2007 Minneapolis FOR YOU Conference Coordinator
Rev. George Borghardt
2007 Asheville FOR YOU Conference Coordinator