
Minneapolis FOR YOU Conference Nearly Full!

The response to early registration has been amazing – the Minneapolis conference is almost full!  There are less than 150 guaranteed spots left. 

Anyone who sends in registration materials after those remaining spots have been assigned will have the option of being placed on a waiting list, transferring their registration to the Asheville, NC conference (with no penalty) or requesting a refund (which would disappoint everyone involved).  Both conferences will be very similar in theme and programming, but the one in North Carolina has double the capacity of the Minnesota conference so it can provide additional opportunities for groups to attend a Higher Things conference once the Minneapolis one reaches capacity. 

To expedite the registration process, we strongly recommend that groups register and pay their deposits online.  Those who would prefer to mail in paper forms can download them HERE.  We have noticed a large number of single-person online registrations.  Please be aware that registering one person of your group does NOT ensure that there will be additional spots available when the conference reaches capacity.

It’s so great to see that we have over 1000 youth already registered for Higher Things conferences this summer.  And we still have room for many more youth to hear how the Gospel is FOR YOU in Minneapolis and Asheville!

A blessed Epiphany to everyone,

Sandra Ostapowich
2007 Minneapolis FOR YOU Conference Coordinator

By Higher Things

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