
Michigan Retreat! Registration Still Available!

Title:  “For All Saints:  A Higher Things Fall Retreat”

  Nov. 3-5, 2006
Location:  Zion Lutheran Church, Marshall, Michigan
Plenary Speaker:  Pastor Klement Preus
Website:  here.
Registration Forms:  Group and Individual
Retreat Flyer:  Download Here.
Cost:  The registration fee for the retreat is $40 with two different housing options:

Option 1 – Hotel: We have group reservations at the Hampton Inn (25 rooms) and the Holiday Inn Express (25 rooms), which are right next door to each other. Cost for both Friday and Saturday nights is $138 plus tax per room, or with four people per room, $38.50 plus tax a person.

Group leaders can reserve rooms with a credit card by calling the hotel directly and saying that they are with the Zion Lutheran Youth Retreat:

Hampton Inn: (269) 789-0131

Holiday Inn Express: (269) 789-9301

Option 2 – Home Stay: Families of the host congregation are opening their homes to provide free housing and breakfasts for any interested participants. If your group would like to take advantage of this, please contact the home stay co-ordinator, Mrs. Amy James, at 269-964-9909.

Deadline: Registrations with checks payable to “Zion Lutheran Church” must be postmarked no later than October 1, 2006. Space will be limited for this retreat, so groups are encouraged to register early!

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