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7 Days ’til 1200 Youth DARE TO BE LUTHERAN!!

The annual Higher Things youth conference, “Dare to be Lutheran”, begins ONE WEEK from TODAY in St. Louis, MO.

You’ve heard about this upcoming conference for months. Maybe your church is sending youth to it. But what will actually be going on there each day? What are the speakers talking about? What is the worship like? Who got to throw out the first pitch at that Cardinals game?

Keep up with the Higher Things conference on our Live DTBL BlogCast. Articles and pictures from the conference will be posted multiple times each day by Higher Things Webmaster, Stan Lemon, as well as other DTBL reporters.

Talk about the conference on the Higher Things Dare to be Lutheran Conference Forum.

Following the DTBL conference, keep up with your favorite reporters on their new Higher Things weblogs!

Watch for more news and updates on the Conference, Forums, and Blogs.

Higher Things – Dare to be Lutheran

By Higher Things

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