
Lent and Holy Week Reflections Available!

During the holy season of Lent, our attention is drawn ever more closely to Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem to suffer in our place for our sins. Lent is a time of more intense reflection upon the great price paid to redeem us from our sins and yet to rejoice in the Good News that our Lord Jesus willingly obeyed the Father and paid that price. The Reflections that you will read during the season of Lent remind us that against the Devil, the world and our sinful flesh, our only hope is Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. We are pointed to Him in His Word and directed to take comfort against these enemies in the Lord’s means of grace. The 2007 Lent and Holy Week Reflections were written by the Rev. Marcus Zill, pastor of St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church and Campus Center in Laramie, WY and Christ on Campus Executive for Higher Things, Inc.  

The booklet of Lent and Holy Week Reflections is available for free in pdf-format for download HERE.  You can also receive the Higher Things Reflections in your e-mail box today! Subscribe by sending any e-mail to: An RSS Feed and Podcast for the Higher Things Daily Reflections can be found here.  Listening to podcasts requires iTunes.  Our Podcast is updated daily.

In Christ,

Pr. Mark Buetow
Editor, Higher Things Reflections


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