Lectionary Meditations

Lent 3 Meditation

But if it is by the finger of God that I cast out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.”

What does it mean if a kingdom comes upon you? That’s not how we normally think of it. You think of a kingdom coming TO you or you coming TO a kingdom. But upon? Upon is battle language. When the Marines come landing on to your island, when the army hits the beach on D-Day, that means the US Military has come upon you.

The world sees Jesus preach and heal, cast out demons. Those don’t generally seem like violent actions (maybe the casting out of demons), but in reality they are acts of war against Satan and his kingdom. They are the Kingdom of God and His might and power bursting in upon this world that Satan had claimed as his own, upon people that Satan had claimed as his own. Jesus, throughout His earthly ministry was constantly waging warfare against Satan and his powers.

Jesus continues to wage this war against Satan, Sin, the world, and our flesh, whenever His Word is preached. The Word of Christ breaks down the powers of evil and rescues us from Satan. Baptism drowns the old Adam. The word of forgiveness destroys sin. And the Supper gives us life and strength for the week to come as we venture into hostile territory. This is the battle Christ fights for you, this is the battle He wages even against your own sin, as He takes it away from you and kills it upon the Cross.

It’s a battle. And battles often become loud and scary and confusing. Yet take heart; the victory remains with Jesus, and you are won to eternal life by Him!

By Rev. Eric Brown

Rev. Eric Brown is pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Herscher, Illinois.

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