
Internet Services Bunker

Ever since the Feast, we’ve had many request for more information concerning the headquarters of Higher Things, Internet Services.  What exactly goes on in the HT Internet Service “bunker” in Cabot, Pennsylvania?

Here is Stan Lemon, our superstar webmaster, in the bunker with his dog, Ivan…..  Questions abound! 

Is Stan working?  Is he hardly working?  How much of the programming that make this site so wonderful is done by Stan and how much is written by Ivan?  Exactly what type of soda is Stan drinking?  If the bunker is in Cabot, why is Stan wearing a Detroit Tigers cap?

For more information about the great Staff at Higher Things Internet Services, check out the About Us page. Now, we can’t let you into the Bunker in Cabot, but if you’d like to volunteer for Internet Services contact me.

Stan, it’s time for you to get back to work making the greatest Lutheran youth website on the planet…

By Higher Things

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