
“HT-U” Sectionals

At Dare to be Lutheran, you told us that you wanted to know more about Higher Things.  Evaluation after evaluation was filled with , “Teach us to do youth ministry the HT-way.”  Our response:  “Higher Things University (HT-U).” This select track of sectionals at The Feast is designed specifically for pastors, youth counselors, DCE’s, lay leaders, and anyone interested in learning more about doing faithful Lutheran youth and college ministry.

At The Feast you will have the opportunity to learn more about Christian writing, doing youth ministry, starting campus ministry, running lock-ins and retreats, utilizing the internet, as well as getting involved with volunteering for development for Higher Things.   And as you would expect from HT, all these sectionals will be done the “Dare-to-be-Lutheran” way – centered on the delivery of Christ crucified to young people.

We have had so many questions about these topics, we decided to highlight some of these sectionals on the website.  The magazine has already highlighted the Writer’s Workshop.  In the coming days, you will hear about the following topics:

HT-U:  Youth Ministry Unplugged
HT-U:  Retreats, Lock-ins, and the Web
HT-U:  Development
HT-U:  How to Start  A Campus Ministry (Just Add Water)

We are very excited to be offering these training sectionals!  We’ll see you at the Feast!

In Christ,

Rev. George F. Borghardt III
The Feast – Catechesis Chair

By Higher Things

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