
HT Site Design Contest

Higher Things wants to redesign our website, and we need your help!

On Reformation Day, October 31, 2005 we introduced the current website. This coming Reformation mark the two-year anniversary of this design. Its about time to redesign our website again, and we want your help doing it. For the next two months (until April 1st) we’ll be taking submissions of ideas for the site’s design.

A panel from the Higher Things Internet Services team will evaluate and judge the ideas and pick one that will provide the basis for the new design of the entire Higher Things website. The winner will receive a complimentary Higher Things Hoodie, and if attending one of Higher Things 2007 conference, the winner be introduced during the one day’s morning announcements. Submissions should be sent to:

Note: All submissions are subject to consideration and use by Higher Things. By submitting an image, the designer(s) agree that said design is the sole property of Higher Things, Inc. and can be edited and used at the discretion of Higher Things. Furthermore, upon submission the designer(s) legally transfer full ownership rights of the image to Higher Things, Inc. and release themselves of any claim to legal ownership. Higher Things reserves the right to use any and all submitted design and/or portions thereof, and may do so without reservation.

By Higher Things

Higher Things exists and grows based on donations from individuals and congregations. Please consider donating to Higher Things at Your gift helps us to continue to release great content like this.

If you have questions or topics that you'd like discussed by Higher Things, email them to or send text to 936-647-3235.