Dear everyone,
The long-awaited housing information for each group’s assigned residential area is complete. This information is being sent off-list to each group’s primary contact leader. This is now possible because all of the housing assignments are complete.
In general, no sleeping bags are needed! Whether you are at either place, linens, towels, pillows, blankets, etc will be provided.
Group leaders, when you receive these informational sheets please feel free to pass them along to your group via e-mail, or copy and reproduce as necessary. They will not be posted online.
Also, please note that each registrants’ exact room location will be given at the time of registration.
Thank you for your patience. This was a huge logistical task made even more complex by our utilization of two locations and the fact that we have tried to cram as many in as possible due to the overwhelming interest in The Feast.
I trust that the housing information sheets you will receive off list will more than adequately give you the information that you need to know what your residential environs will be like so that you can pack accordingly.
Sincerely in Christ,
Pastor Zill
P.S. I would like to publicly thank my faithful friend, part-time secretary and right hand thinker in the office, Cheryl Hubenthal, who has spent a tremendous amount of time and energy to map out everyone’s housing assignments at the last second and with great expense (a quote for you Monty Python folk! Yes, we are quite loopy at Higher Things Housing Central!