Two conferences in 2007, Christ on Campus chapters, B.A.M.B.I., the magazine online…and now, retreats.
The HT Board of Directors and Executives met this past week and, among many other very exciting decisions, brought Mr. Landon Reed on board the Higher Things Team as our new Retreats Executive.
What does this mean? This means that you can bring Higher Things to your hometown for a lock-in, retreat, or SCUBA trip. OK, maybe you shouldn’t hold your breath for one of those coming to Ohio or Wisconsin, but you get the idea.
Landon has been volunteering for years as a youth leader at his church in Texas. He has not only brought the youth from his church (Zion, Tomball) to every Higher Things conference, he does it Texas-style — filling up entire buses with groups and strays from other churches. This summer, he’s already coordinating with Pr. Zill and Christ on Campus to host a camping retreat for college students, and will be hosting a high school retreat featuring our own Vice-President, Pr. Cwirla, in August. Only a crazy Texan like Landon could hit the ground running as fast as our other amazing Executives!
Watch for more news about the retreats and special trips being planned in your area. If you’d like to get more information on hosting one at your church, email Landon ( for more details!