
Higher Things Retreats

The brand new Higher Things Retreats section of the web site is now up and ready for you to check out! As you may have noticed the Discussion and Resources section of our site have been merged to make way for retreats, which now has its extreme location in the blue box above. Keep an eye out on this section, it promises to be your all-purpose resource for what’s going on with Higher Things in between our conferences. From the new retreats section you can find out what’s going on in your area, and also sign up to attend a retreat! Then after you get back home from a retreat, stop by and see if you can find your picture in our upcoming photo album! Check back regularly with the retreats section, it will be updated regularly with new content – and we have some exciting new extreme things in store for you!

For more information about Higher Things Retreats, contact Landon Reed.

By Higher Things

Higher Things exists and grows based on donations from individuals and congregations. Please consider donating to Higher Things at Your gift helps us to continue to release great content like this.

If you have questions or topics that you'd like discussed by Higher Things, email them to or send text to 936-647-3235.