A Higher Things Day Retreat for Youth and Adults!
If you have never been to a Higher Things conference, but would like to see for yourself what they’re like, mark your calendar for this one-day retreat in southeast Texas.
This unique “Higher Things for a Day” will feature great catechesis from local pastors – teaching on the subjects they have taught at past Higher Things conferences. And you’ll worship using services from the Lutheran Service Book, just like would at a Higher Things conference.
Bring your youth, parents, elders, youth leaders and pastors and find out what Higher Things is all about!
Where: Living Word Lutheran Church
The Woodlands, Texas
Approximately 1 hour north of Houston.
When: Saturday, September 26, 2009
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Lunch provided.
Cost: Free-will offering.
RSVP: Lynea Sander – (832) 722-3170 or lynealeia@higherthings.org