
Forest Glen Confirmation Retreat

Retreat information for the Forest Glen Confirmation Retreat, in April 2010

Forest Glen Confirmation Retreat
April 9 – 11, 2010
5th – 8th Graders
(Friday, 8:00 p.m. – Sunday, 11:00 a.m.)

Forest Glen Christian Camp
Huntsville, Texas

Join us for a weekend of fun, catechesis and worship at Forest Glen Christian Camp in Hunstville, Texas ( We are going to have a blast! Some of our planned activities include:

  • Worship from the Lutheran Service Book (including Evening Prayer by the campfire)
  • Catechesis on the topic of “The Hiddenness of God in All of Life”
  • Lots of outdoor activities including canoeing, fishing, swimming in Lake Grace and hiking in the woods and around the lake

We are pleased to announce that our guest speaker for the weekend will be Rev. Jeffrey W. Ware of Living Word Lutheran Church of The Woodlands, Texas. He will be speaking on “The Hiddenness of God in All of Life”. Nearly every person, at one point in their life wonders, “Where can I find God?”  It’s perhaps, the most important question that could ever be asked.  Every religion answers the question differently, but Christianity’s answer is completely unique.  You can’t find God on your own, He’s hidden!  Is God playing games with us, or has he hidden himself for a reason?

Cost: $95 per person due upon arrival at the retreat (includes housing and meals). Make checks payable to Higher Things, Inc.

Contact: Michelle Klein 936-537-6311 or

RSVP to Michelle by March 31, 2010. Click here to download the registration form. Turn in this form with your payment on the first day of the retreat.

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