For us baptized, for us he bore; His holy fast and hungered sore; For us temptation sharp he knew; For us the tempter overthrew.
The Gospel is not that Christ was born, that He died, or even that He rose on the third day. We can talk all day about all the wonderful, amazing, miraculous things that Jesus did and does today – and it still wouldn’t be the Gospel. The Gospel is the proclamation of Christ and Him crucified FOR YOU. The Gospel is in the FOR YOU. Everything that Jesus did, He did FOR YOU!
That’s why we’re so excited about this year’s conference theme, “For You”. We, the coordinators of next year’s Higher Things conferences, invite you to come and hear the best news there is – the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified FOR YOU.
Whether you attend the conference in Minneapolis, MN from July 24-27, 2007 or the conference in Asheville, NC from July 31-August 3, 2007, expect to be richly fed in the best of our worship traditions, taught on a number of subjects of interest to youth today by skilled Lutheran pastors and laity, and set free to play and fellowship with one another as Christians in the cross-won freedom of the Gospel.
For us by wickedness betrayed; For us, in crown of thorns arrayed; He bore the shameful cross and death; For us he gave his dying breath.
When we worship, we worship. When we work, we work. And when we play, we play. And with Higher Things, the FOR YOU gets delivered to you! Our goal at Higher Things is to assist congregations, pastors and parents to deliver the Gospel into the ears of youth. And nothing immerses a young person in the Gospel like an entire Higher Things conference (or two) devoted to that purpose!
This year, we have not only more than doubled our potential maximum capacity by offering two conferences, but we are opening registration a full three months earlier than has ever been done in the history of Higher Things conferences. You can even register and pay your deposit online!
Read more about conference details here <>. Visit the FOR YOU conference website <> frequently for updates about the upcoming conferences, instructions and materials for both print and online registration, and to ask and receive answers to burning questions about each conference (FAQ page to be online soon).
Also, learn more about Higher Things and support all the work we’re doing with our conferences, magazine, website, and retreats for youth and college students by visiting <>.
For us he rose from death again; For us he went on high to reign; For us he sent his Spirit here To guide, to strengthen, and to cheer. (“Oh Love, How Deep” – LW #275)
In the Name of Jesus,
Sandra Ostapowich
Minneapolis FOR YOU Conference Coordinator
Pastor George Borghardt
Asheville FOR YOU Conference Coordinator