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Everyone likes to talk about women, and there are no exceptions to that rule here at HT-Radio. In the 23rd episode of HT-Radio Pastor Borghardt will skip his monologue, for fear of being like everyone else and talking about women when they’re not around, and instead jump right into an interview with frequent guest Sandra Ostapowich of Loveland, CO and the Secretary of Higher Things. Pastor Borghardt will discuss with Sandra the role of women and what a godly vocation for women is. Sandra will point us to the Gospel and Christ crucified and answer burning questions like… Is parenting the only Godly vocation for a woman? Can Godly women go to college? What does God thing if I’m a woman and I don’t want to stay home? Sandra will tackle all of these tough questions and more and still keep our eyes on the Cross. Lastly, Pastor Borghardt will call up Rev. Joel Fritsche, an Admissions Counselor at Pastor Borghardt’s Alma mater Concordia Seminary, St. Louis and a Board of Director for Higher Things to talk about the Transfiguration. Pastor Fritsche will take us deep into the Old Testament and explore what’s actually going on at the Mount.