
Coram Deo 2011

Coram Deo 2011 officially introduced!

Dear Friends,

It’s time to officially introduce Coram Deo, the 2011 Higher Things conferences!

Coram Deo is a Latin phrase that means “to stand before God,” in His presence, under His reign. But what does it mean that we live Coram Deo? Under the Law, life Coram Deo is terrifying because we’re living under God’s judgment and wrath. But under the Gospel, life Coram Deo is beautiful – a restoration of what God intended when He made Man in the beginning.

“Can mortal man be righteous before God? Can a man be pure before his Maker?” (Job 4:17) This is the core religious question: How can a sinner destined to die stand before a righteous and holy God? Only by grace through faith for Christ’s sake! Join us this summer as we learn what it means to stand Coram Deo from this year’s plenary teachers: Rev. William Cwirla (Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Hacienda Heights, CA) and Rev. Brent Kuhlman (Trinity Lutheran Church, Murdock, NE).

Higher Things holds multiple conferences each summer, hosting anywhere from 350 – 1200 young Lutherans at each conference. We’ve visited both costs and a bunch of cities in-between and taken them by storm! Our all-inclusive conferences are very reasonably priced for groups to attend annually, and they provide a great opportunity for youth to learn more about what Christ’s death on the Cross means for them while meeting other Lutherans their age from all over the United States (and beyond). At Higher Things conferences, the worship is worshipful, the study is studious, and the fun is, well, fun!

This summer, we will be holding three (yes, that’s 3) Coram Deo conferences:

July 5-8, 2011 – Las Vegas, Nevada
at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas

July 12-15, 2011 – Bloomington/Normal, Illinois
at Illinois State University

July 19-22, 2011- Atlanta, Georgia
at Emory University

Registration for the conferences will open on November 1, 2010 and close on February 28, 2011 – or whenever a site reaches capacity, whichever happens first. Conferences are generally planned for high school youth, but any confirmed youth is welcome with appropriate supervision by their group’s chaperone(s).

Detailed information including Registration instructions, checklists, forms, bulletin inserts, fliers, and a long list of Frequently Asked Questions are available at Please feel free to contact us with any questions about this year’s Coram Deo conferences.

In Christ,
Sandra Ostapowich
Higher Things Conference & Retreat Coordinator

Higher Things is a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.

By Higher Things

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