
Christ on Campus Volunteer Application Forms NOW AVAILABLE!

Christ on Campus Volunteer Application Forms NOW AVAILABLE!

Once again, in conjunction with Higher Things’ campus ministry arm, Christ on Campus, we will be accepting applications from college students to volunteer as helpers at the FOR YOU conferences this summer!  Many excited young adults have been asking us about this opportunity for quite some time – here’s your chance!

Higher Things needs approximately fifteen (15) student volunteers to serve at each FOR YOU conferences this summer in the capacities listed below. Student Volunteers will need to arrive on site by 1:00 p.m. on Monday of the conference week and attend the entire conference.  Eligible candidates must be 18 years old and/or have been students at the undergraduate or graduate level for at least one academic year prior to the conference.

As a Christ on Campus Volunteer (CCV), you should expect to be “on duty” throughout the entire conference. You may attend sessions and events with other conference registrants as your duties permit. There will also be opportunities to spend time with other CCVs and college students attending conferences. However, assigned duties of the volunteers will always take priority.

Cost to selected CCVs is your travel, and a $140 registration fee (50% off registration). All meals during the conference are provided. This application is to be sent to the appropriate address listed at the bottom of the form.


Download the CCV Application Form HERE.

Christ on Campus Volunteer duties will include, but will not be limited to, the following:

  • Ushering and directing groups from one place to another

  • Conference set-up and tear-down.

  • Chaperoning evening activities.

  • Help with conference registration and evaluations.

  • Digital photography

  • Blogging

  • Other assignments as designated.

Please return your applications, postmarked by March 15, 2007 to:

Minneapolis FOR YOU Christ on Campus Volunteers
Pr. Rob Jarvis
Zion Lutheran Church
311 S Columbia Ave
Morris, MN 56267


Asheville FOR YOU Christ on Campus Volunteers
Pr. David Lofthus
Faith Lutheran Church
1605 Mason Smith Ave
Metairie, LA 70003

This is a great opportunity for college students to attend a Higher Things conference and provide invaluable assistance to the staff.  We look forward to receiving all your applications and seeing everyone this summer!

In Christ,

Pr. George Borghardt
2007 Asheville FOR YOU Conference Coordinator

Sandra Ostapowich
2007 Minneapolis FOR YOU Conference Coordinator

By Higher Things

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