A weekly quick take on Luther’s Small Catechism.

A weekly quick take on Luther’s Small Catechism.
“C’mon Jesus, do that thing you do and just heal the guy!” That’s what everyone expects hin to do for the deaf guy that day. He should wave a hand over the guy and chant some mumbo-jumbo. But that’s not the kind of God Jesus is. He doesn’t do things the way we think He should — sometimes He heals with wet-willies! We couldn’t make this stuff up if we tried!
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This week on Fun Word Friday, let’s sort out the alphabet soup of American Lutheran church bodies, a little bit of history, and how and why they’re different. There are the visible things that distinguish one from another but the differences are more fundamental than what we see externally. It’s all about how we understand the Word of God.
If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on Higher Things® Video Shorts, email them to support@higherthings.org or send a text to 936-647-3235.
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Christ has set us free from being able to be judged for worshipping the Lord on one day or another. According to Paul in Galatians, Christians can faithfully worship on Saturday or on Sunday…or on Tuesday if they want. That’s not what makes anyone a “better” Christian or holier than anyone else. Only Christ makes us holy.
If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on Higher Things® Video Shorts, email them to support@higherthings.org or send a text to 936-647-3235.
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Worship is God giving, and us receiving. We can’t define the gift. Only the giver can do that. Thanks be to God He gives His body and blood for you for the forgiveness of your sins.
In episode 3 of the Higher Things Video Catechism, Pr. Buetow teaches us about the first commandment and fearing, loving and trusting in God above everything.
Luther’s Small Catechism Copyright (c) 1986 Concordia Publishing House, www.cph.org. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
To read the Small Catechism online visit: sites.cph.org/catechism.
To order a copy of the Small Catechism visit: cph.org
When someone has done something awful or mean to you, it’s often difficult to forgive them — especially when they’re not even sorry. Do we really have to forgive those people for those things?
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A weekly quick take on the Small Catechism.
It’s a belated Lectionary Monday combined with Out of Context Tuesday! When we read the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector and envision ourselves as the pious and humble Tax Collector, thanking God we’re not like those judgmental Pharisees…we’re reading the parable COMPLETELY WRONG!
If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on Higher Things® Video Shorts, email them to support@higherthings.org or send a text to 936-647-3235.
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