HT Video Shorts

Fun Word Friday: Absolution – A Higher Things® Video Short

“I forgive you” is the very voice of the Gospel. The Lord has placed your pastor in your life to speak this word of forgiveness to you, so that you would know for certain — as certainly as Christ has spoken to you, through your pastor (because He has) — that your sins are forgiven. And when he does absolve you, it’s not his forgiveness. It’s God’s forgiveness. He’s just the spokesman.

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HT Video Shorts

Bible Study Thursday: Freedom from sin, Law, death, etc. – A Higher Things® Video Short

The Christian faith is not about your life change. It’s not about you becoming a better person. it’s not about you being a better you, and having your best life now. The Christian life is about freedom — freedom from sin, from death, from the power of the devil, from a conscience that’s dragged down by all the bad you’ve done. Freedom – not TO sin but freedom from sin, freedom from wanting to sin. We must be steadfast in this Gospel!

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The Largely Catechized Life

Why stay away from a gift?

“Now, it is true, as we have said, that no one should by any means be coerced or compelled, lest we institute a new murdering of souls. Nevertheless, it must be known that such people as deprive themselves of, and withdraw from, the Sacrament so long a time are not to be considered Christians. “

HT Video Shorts

The Church’s Culture (vs. The World) – A Higher Things® Video Short

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HT Video Shorts

Out of Context Tuesday: Mark 16 – Believers and necessity of Baptism – A Higher Things® Video Short

Word order doesn’t seem to be the big deal when it comes to baptism — believe and be baptized, baptize and teach. What we can see is that baptism and faith go together and should not be separated from each other. Is baptism necessary to be saved? Yes. Then does NOT being baptized damn a person? Well, not necessarily.

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HT Video Shorts

Lectionary Monday: Putting others first – A Higher Things® Video Short

When we actually believe what God says about us, that we are one for whom Christ died, who has been forgiven, who has eternal life, an heir of the Kingdom of Heaven…we don’t need to call attention to ourselves, try to get the best seat, one-up someone else. We can be comfortable in who we are (or Whose we are) to let someone else be first, get the limelight, and take the seat of honor.

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HT Video Shorts

The problem with people not believing they’re sinners – A Higher Things® Video Short

How do you convince someone who doesn’t think they’re a sinner that they really are a sinner? Why would you even bother? Today’s Fun Word Friday answers a question submitted by a youth viewer.

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HT Video Shorts

Bible Study Thursday: Gal 4 & what the church should be all about – A Higher Things® Video Short

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The Largely Catechized Life

How often must I…or how little?

” 39] In conclusion, since we have now the true understanding and doctrine of the Sacrament, there is indeed need of some admonition and exhortation, that men may not let so great a treasure which is daily administered and distributed among Christians pass by unheeded, that is, that those who would be Christians make ready to receive this venerable Sacrament often. 40] For we see that men seem weary and lazy with respect to it; and there is a great multitude of such as hear the Gospel, and, because the nonsense of the Pope has been abolished, and we are freed from his laws and coercion, go one, two, three years, or even longer without the Sacrament, as though they were such strong Christians that they have no need of it; 41] and some allow themselves to be prevented and deterred by the pretense that we have taught that no one should approach it except those who feel hunger and thirst, which urge them to it. Some pretend that it is a matter of liberty and not necessary, and that it is sufficient to believe without it; and thus for the most part they go so far that they become quite brutish, and finally despise both the Sacrament and the Word of God.”

HT Video Shorts

A word about youth to pastors and parents – A Higher Things® Video Short

Teenagers are smart! They are learning really hard things in school (that most adults have long since forgotten) and navigating social issues we can barely comprehend. We shouldn’t treat — or teach — them like little children. We should challenge them with clear theology, strong Law, and pure Gospel. We need to teach them what they won’t hear anywhere else in the world: Christ has been crucified for the forgiveness of your sins.

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