HT Video Shorts

That Little Word “Alone”

This week, Pr. Borghardt celebrates Reformation Day by taking a look at the little word “alone.” Faith alone.

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

Can Lutherans Celebrate Halloween?

Pr. Borghardt talks about the celebration of Halloween. Where does it come from? Are Lutherans free to Trick or Treat?

If you have questions or comments email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

Can a Lutheran Vote for a Mormon?

This week Pr. Borghardt discusses the question of whether a Lutheran can vote for a Mormon or not.

If you have questions or topics that you would like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

8th Commandment Fun

This week, Pr. Borghardt talks about the 8th commandment. Not saying anything against your neighbor and always building your neighbor up.

If you have questions or topics that you would like addressed on HTV email them to or send a text message to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

Evangelical Catholics

This week Pr. Borghardt talks about what we’re called. More importantly what the difference is between Lutherans and Roman Catholics in what we believe.

HT Video Shorts

At Least I’m not Like…. Pr. Buetow

This week, Pr. Borghardt takes on one of his least favorite expressions, “at least I’m not like…” He makes up lots of words and points us to Jesus.

If you have questions or topics you’d like discussed on HTV email us at or send a text message to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

DTBL at a Non-Lutheran School

Pr. Borghart answers a question about daring to be Lutheran at a non-Lutheran School.

If you have questions or topics that you would like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

DTBL at a Non-Lutheran Church

How do you dare to be a Lutheran at a non-Lutheran church? You look for Jesus Christ and Him crucified!

If you have questions or topics that you would like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text message to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts


Pr. Borghardt talks about Confirmation as a life-long thing. Not just something you do for 2-3 years and then graduate from.

If you have questions or topics that you would like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text message to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

Dealing with Stress

As the beginning of a new school year begins, Pr. Borghardt talks about the topic of dealing with stress. There are lots of things that cause stress but Jesus endured your stress too!

If you have questions or topics you can email them to or send a text message to 936-647-3235.