Pr. Borghardt talks about the name of Jesus while looking back at 2012 and looking forward to 2013.
If you have questions or topics that you would like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text message to 936-647-3235.
Pr. Borghardt and Pr. Buetow address questions and topics from youth on video in under 5 minutes. They have tackled topics on crazy parents, High School cliques, prophecy, giving things up for lent, daring to be Lutheran and knowing that you’re a Christian. Look for a new addition to HT-V each week!
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Pr. Borghardt talks about the name of Jesus while looking back at 2012 and looking forward to 2013.
If you have questions or topics that you would like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text message to 936-647-3235.
Pr. Borghardt reads from Luke to show you that the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes is the same one who dies on the cross for you.
Merry Christmas!
If you have questions or topics that you would like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text message to 936-647-3235.
Sem. Aaron Fenker, voice of the Higher Things Reflections reflects on the Incarnation of Christ. Merry Christmas to all of you from Higher Things.
Pr. Borghardt answers a question from his son about how to talk to evangelical and baptist friends about the Lutheran view of Baptism.
If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text message to 936-647-3235.
Pr. Borghardt talks about real things this week. Jesus was really born of a virgin, really lived, really died on the cross, and really rose again. Jesus will also really come again. Not because it’s a myth and the Mayan’s ran out of stone. But because Christ really is King.
If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.
Pr. Borghardt celebrates the beginning of Advent in this week’s video. He talks about Christ’s coming for you at Christmas, in His gifts and when he will come again.
If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or email them to 936-647-3235.
Pr. Borghardt talks about the end times and Last Day. Jesus’ second coming is for you. You are one of the sheep and one of the wise virgins with oil enough to spare.
If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.
Pr. Borghardt answers a follow-up question from his video on thankfulness. “Should I be thankful that I have autism?”
If you have questions or topics that you would like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text message to 936-647-3235.
Pr. Borghardt celebrates November by talking about being thankful in all things.
If you have questions or topics you’d like to see discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.
This week Pr. Borghardt talks about what happens when you die.
If you have questions or topics you’d like covered on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.