HT Video Shorts

Baptism IS Necessary

Pr. Borghardt answers the question of “Do you have to be baptized to be saved?” His answer might surprise you as he points out baptism in scripture.

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text message to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

Homosexuals Saved

In this week’s video, Pr. Borghardt answers a question from one of our viewers. Can you be a homosexual and be saved? Can you live in any sin and be saved?

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

Don’t Let Church Get in the Way of Church

In this week’s video, Pr. Borghardt about not letting all the activities and boards and programs at church get in the way of receiving the Gospel in Divine Service.

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

Saved by Faith or by Baptism?

This week Pr. Borghardt answers at question about saying faith alone and believing that we’re saved by baptism. Check out this video as Pr. Borghardt clears up any confusion.

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts


This week, Pr. Borghardt talks about holding grudges, repentance, and loving your neighbor.

If you have questions or topics you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text message to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts


In this week’s video, Pr. Borghardt talks about drama and dealing with drama at school and at church.

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

“Why Do We Keep Talking About Sin?”

This week, Pr. Borghardt answers a question from one of our YouTube subscribers. “If Christ has set us free from sin, why do we keep talking about sin?” Pr. Borghardt answers by talking about the Old Adam and the New Man in Christ.

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

Who? What? Why? – The Resurrection

What? Jesus died and rose from the dead. That’s the cornerstone of our faith.

Who? Who are we now in the death and resurrection of Christ?

Why? As surely as Christ is raised from the dead we will live also!

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

What Does it Take to be Christian in 2013?

Today, Pr. Borghardt answers a question on what it takes to be good Christian and go to heaven in 2013. He explains how it takes Jesus. Jesus during holy week, His death and resurrection delivered to you in word and sacrament.

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

Habetis Papam – Y’all Have a Pope

The big news item last week was that the Roman Catholic Church elected a new pope. How do Lutheran youth and Lutheran’s in general respond to this? Pr. Borghardt has some suggestions.

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.