HT Video Shorts

Talking about your Faith

Pr. Borghardt answers a question from a middle school student on how to talk about your faith with people this week on HTV.

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

Embarrassed by Embarrassing Things

This week on HT-Radio, Pr. Borghardt talks about being embarrassed by embarrassing things and points us to Christ and His Salvation given to us.

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

Lord’s Supper: How Often?

This week Pr. Borghardt talks about how often you should receive the Lord’s Supper. Some churches have Communion twice a month, others have it every Sunday. Pr. Borghardt points us to the gospel answer of “How often?”

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts


This week on HTV Pr. Borghardt, talks about Angels. He talks about different types of angels and how they are messengers.

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts


This week on HTV, Pr. Borghardt talks about holy-ification and sanctification.

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

Talking to Your Friends Who Are Homosexuals

In this week’s video short, Pr. Borghardt talks about how to talk to your homosexual friends. How do you confess what we do as Lutherans? Can you still be friends with them? Find out in this video.

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

Creation and Why We Believe What We Believe

This week Pr. Borghardt talks about why we believe what we do about creation and everything in the Old Testament in only 4 mins!

If you have questions or topics you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

The Where and Who of the Church

This week on HTV, Pr. Borghardt talks about the where and the who of the Church. He teaches that the church is first where the word and sacraments of Christ are administered and then a who.

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

Failed Friendships

What do you do about that friend who isn’t really a friend anymore. How do we pick up the pieces of broken friendships? There is one true friend who suffers and lays down His life for you: Jesus Christ.

If you have questions or topics that you would like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text to 936-647-3235.

HT Video Shorts

If Jesus Were Alive Today

If Jesus were alive today what would He think of the church? If Jesus were alive today… We often here that question. Pr. Borghardt tells us that our answer to the question is simple. We confess the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

If you have questions or topics that you’d like discussed on HTV email them to or send a text message to 936-647-3235.