
Deadline for Writers’ Workshop Coming Soon!

Don’t miss the HT-U Christian Writers’ Workshop at The Feast!

Do you like to write? Ever wonder what it takes to write professionally? In this three-session sectional, writer and editor Julie Stiegemeyer and editor Adriane Dorr will lend some friendly advice on being a Christian writer as well as what Higher Things magazine looks for in articles. Since it’s a three-part workshop, attendees work hands-on to edit their articles or stories to take them from a rough manuscript to a polished publication-ready piece. **Note: Prior to the conference, please submit a writing sample you would like to work on during the sessions. Interested registrants can contact for more information. Be sure to get your submissions in soon. The deadline is July 10.

Even if you don’t have a writing sample, please feel free to join us for the first day of the in-depth sectional. We will cover all the basics of writing, plus tips on writing for Higher Things magazine. See you in Colorado Springs!


Superman Returns

Every now and again, HT looks at a movie.  We call this “Higher Movies.”  One of our bloggers, Nathan Fischer, wrote a review of Superman Returns.  Nathan Fischer is a senior at Concordia University Wisconsin, studying Theological Languages and Philosophy.  He also serves as a copy editor for the Higher Things Reflections.  We’d love him to change his blog banner, but he won’t listen to us.  Check out Nathan’s blog here.

Interested in writing a review for the Higher Things website?  Perhaps something on the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie?  Submit your review to here.  Also, make sure you check out other B.A.M.B.I. topics. 

Have fun and Happy Writing!

Rev. George F. Borghardt III
Internet Services Executive
Higher Things, Inc.


Housing Information in the Chutes!

Dear everyone,

The long-awaited housing information for each group’s assigned residential area is complete. This information is being sent off-list to each group’s primary contact leader. This is now possible because all of the housing assignments are complete.

In general, no sleeping bags are needed! Blogger Smiley Whether you are at either place, linens, towels, pillows, blankets, etc will be provided.

Group leaders, when you receive these informational sheets please feel free to pass them along to your group via e-mail, or copy and reproduce as necessary. They will not be posted online.

Also, please note that each registrants’ exact room location will be given at the time of registration.

Thank you for your patience. This was a huge logistical task made even more complex by our utilization of two locations and the fact that we have tried to cram as many in as possible due to the overwhelming interest in The Feast.

I trust that the housing information sheets you will receive off list will more than adequately give you the information that you need to know what your residential environs will be like so that you can pack accordingly.

Sincerely in Christ,

Pastor Zill

P.S. I would like to publicly thank my faithful friend, part-time secretary and right hand thinker in the office, Cheryl Hubenthal, who has spent a tremendous amount of time and energy to map out everyone’s housing assignments at the last second and with great expense (a quote for you Monty Python folk! Blogger Smiley Yes, we are quite loopy at Higher Things Housing Central!

Seriously, Cheryl was given a mind boggling number of variables and logistical considerations to deal with and has pretty much devoted her life to this task over the last month. Like all of my team members, she exemplifies what Higher Things is all about. Please thank her and all the Team members when you meet them in Colorado. But for now let me say “Thanks, Cheryl!” I wouldn’t trade you for anyone! You are simply the best! And yes, I remember that you like chocolate! 🙂


HT in Your Church’s Bulletins…

Some congregations have requested bulletin annoucements for their bulletins.  Try these:

Looking for a youth organization that combines fellowship and catechesis? Higher Things is a Lutheran Youth organization that serves Lutheran youth. Through national conferences every summer, a quarterly magazine, website, a college campus ministry, and weekend retreats Higher Things provides resources for Lutheran youth. If you would like more information check out their website, or contact Erika Preus at

Do you Dare to be Lutheran? Then subscribe to the magazine Higher Things! The quarterly magazine for Lutheran youth provides articles on doctrine and current issues. Subscribe online through Group subscriptions are $12 and individual subscriptions are only $15.

Higher Things conferences: Interested in getting to know Lutheran youth from around the country, and learning about God’s Word? Then check out the national Higher Things conferences and weekend retreats. Higher Things will be hosting two national conferences in 2007 in Minnesota and North Carolina, and weekend retreats all around the country. Check out the website at

Higher Things Reflections: Looking for faithful daily devotions for your youth and family? Receive Higher Things Reflections in your e-mail box today! Subscribe by sending any e-mail to:

For more bulletin paragraphs, check with our new Development Coordinator, Erika Preus


HT-U: Retreats and the Web

Our look at the HT-U Sectionals at The Feast continues with a short examination of “HT-U:  Retreats and the Web.”

You love Higher Things and don’t miss a conference.  Don’t you?  Can you not wait until the magazine comes out to share with your youth group the great articles inside? But, youth ministry goes on every day in your congregation.  How can Higher Things help you the rest of the time?

Landon Reed, the brand-new Higher Things Retreat Executive, will be leading a breakaway sectional at The Feast to tell you all about HT’s plans to host weekend retreats and mini-conferences all around the country.  He’s even got resources to help you plan lock-ins!  What a great way to bring a taste of the HT conference experience home and invite kids from other area congregations and the community to spend a weekend or night learning about the Gospel!

And there’s more!  Did you know that Higher Things’ website has a wealth of resources available for youth and those doing youth ministry every day of the week?  From daily devotions to Bible Studies, interactive discussion forums and insightful blogs, our website is THE place for confessional Lutheran youth ministry online.  Want to learn what BAMBI is?  The Internet Services Team will tell you about all the amazing things already available to you, as well as what’s planned for the future!

Retreats, lock-ins, and the website.  Come learn how you can “Dare to Be Lutheran” every day with your Youth Group!


Cancellations, Substitutions, Changes…

Dear everyone,

We are pleased to say that we are nearing completion of the housing assignments for The Feast.

Along the way we have received a few notes about various changes, substitutions, and cancellations. We are glad to help make these changes and we realize that this will still be a necessity to a degree down the stretch.

However, we hope that after July 1st any changes will be truly rare and exceptional.

We, in Housing Coordination and Registration, need to have everything virtually “set in concrete” at some point so that we may work with Colorado College and the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs for nametags, dorm assignments, etc.

That “set in concrete” point will be this coming Saturday, July 1st. After that date making changes will be extremely difficult. Please help us out by letting us know of any such changes that need to be made by you or your group ASAP.

Please also know that it is still not too late for us to let another group or two in if we know of any cancellations in advance. So even if we aren’t able to give you a refund, the sooner you let us know about a cancellation, the greater the chance there is for someone else to still come to The Feast!

Thank you very much for understanding our need in this regard and taking it seriously. The bottom line is that this information simply needs to be nailed down, and July 1st is the “nailing down” date. Anything you can do to help us reach some finality will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Sue Pellegrini (Registrar)
Cheryl Hubenthal (Housing Coordinator)
Rev. Marcus Zill (Conference Coordinator)


About Internet Services

Internet Services is proud to share with you a new page under our “About” section. This page includes a staff listing for Internet Services with some brief pictures and bio’s of all the individuals who help to make the web site work. Please take the time out to take a look at this page and meet these wonderful people, whom without the web site simply would not work. Most of these people are volunteers, and the Higher Things Internet Services staff wants them, as well as you to know how much we really appreciate their time and outstanding work. Thank you!

Click here to meet the Internet Services Staff.


Liturgically Speaking:
A Guide to the Services at The Feast

As always, our life in worship together is the highlight of our conferences. The Feast promises to be no different!

On behalf of our worship committee, and especially Dr. Richard Stuckwisch, our worship chaplain, we are pleased to pass on to you an advance copy of a Liturgical Catechism that will be included in the service booklet at The Feast.

We thought that many of you might like to take the time to read it beforehand. Please feel free to share this with others as it is helpful.

You can download it at:

Fraternally in Christ,

Rev. Marcus Zill, The Feast
Conference Coordinator


The Apostles’ Tide (Holy Trinity) Reflections

Dear Saints of God,

As we continue through the season of Holy Trinity, we are brought through the Apostles’ Tide in the Higher Things Reflections by the Rev. Rick Sawyer. Pastor Sawyer serves Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School in Brandon, MS.  You can meet Pastor Sawyer and the Vox Visuals crew at The Feast.   Be sure to catch his breakaway sectional at the Feast entitled “The Small Catechism: Daily Guidance for God’s X-Men.”

The booklet for all of Apostle’s Tide is available in pdf-format for download here.  You can receive the Higher Things Reflections in your e-mail box today! Subscribe by sending any e-mail to: You can find an RSS Feed and Podcast for the Higher Things Daily Reflections here.  Listening to podcasts requires iTunes.  Our Podcast is updated daily.

“O blest communion, fellowship divine, We feebly struggle, they in glory shine; Yet all are one in Thee, for all are Thine. Alleluia! Alleluia!” (TLH 463, 4)

In Christ,

The Rev. George F. Borghardt III
Internet Services Excutive
Higher Things, Inc.


HT-U: Development

Our first look at the HT-U Sectionals at the Feast is the HT-U Developement Breakaway….

Do you think Higher Things is the best thing that has happened in youth ministry in a long time?  Do you tell everyone you know about how great it is?  Are you interested in becoming more involved with Higher Things, but don’t know how?  There are many great ways to serve Higher Things as a Regional Representative or a Development Volunteer!  Erika Preus, our new Development Coordinator, will be offering a breakaway sectional at The FEAST to discuss ways for you to become more involved. 

Didn’t get into the Feast, but still interested?  Shoot her an email at, and she can tell you about some of the great opportunities and ways you can support Higher Things.