
Retreat: Marshall, MI

Title:  “For All Saints:  A Higher Things Fall Retreat”

  Nov. 3-5, 2006
Location:  Zion Lutheran Church, Marshall, Michigan
Plenary Speaker:  Pastor Klement Preus
Website:  here.
Registration Forms:  Group and Individual
Retreat Flyer:  Download Here.
Cost:  The registration fee for the retreat is $40 with two different housing options:

Option 1 – Hotel: We have group reservations at the Hampton Inn (25 rooms) and the Holiday Inn Express (25 rooms), which are right next door to each other. Cost for both Friday and Saturday nights is $138 plus tax per room, or with four people per room, $38.50 plus tax a person.

Group leaders can reserve rooms with a credit card by calling the hotel directly and saying that they are with the Zion Lutheran Youth Retreat:

Hampton Inn: (269) 789-0131

Holiday Inn Express: (269) 789-9301

Option 2 – Home Stay: Families of the host congregation are opening their homes to provide free housing and breakfasts for any interested participants. If your group would like to take advantage of this, please contact the home stay co-ordinator, Mrs. Amy James, at 269-964-9909.

Deadline: Registrations with checks payable to “Zion Lutheran Church” must be postmarked no later than October 1, 2006. Space will be limited for this retreat, so groups are encouraged to register early!


We Want Your Pictures!

Did you get some great pictures at The Feast? We’d love to have you share them with us!

Please send any pictures you took to

Don’t worry about file size either. We can handle everything you can send our way.


Pastor Zill, The Feast
2006 Conference Coordinator


Meet our Retreat Executive

HT Extreme?  You betcha!  Meet Landon Reed.  He is the new HT Retreat Executive. 

If you see him at the Feast (minus the wakeboard), make sure you ask him about having a retreat in your area.  You can email him at

And he’s single and a pre-seminary student. 

Did I mention he was single?  I thought I did…

In Christ,

Rev. George F. Borghardt III
Internet Services Executive
Higher Things, Inc.


Summer Bible Studies

The Bible Studies are in!  The Bible Studies are in!

The Bible studies for the Summer edition of Higher Things Magazine are now online and available for download.

Got HT?  Subscribe now!  Make sure to super-size your magazine subscription with HT Online!

Interested in past issues of the magazine?  Get them online with HT Online!  What a resource!  Bible Studies and magazine articles – everything you need!

In Christ,

Rev. George F. Borghardt III
Internet Services Executive
Higher Things, Inc.


HT- U Campus Ministry – Just Add Water

Our look at the HT-U Sectionals at The Feast concludes with a short examination of “HT-U: Campus Ministry – Just Add Water”

Do you have a college near you?  Would you like to learn how to begin a campus ministry outreach at a local college(s) on a shoestring budget? 

Get some help getting started from a panel of campus pastors that represent several different types of campus ministry models: full-time, part-time, and
a contact congregation. This sectional is designed to be tailored to your specific campus situation and provide practical help and support.

Learn from Rev. Marcus Zill (University of Wyoming, Rev. David Kind (University of Minnesota – Twin Cities) and Rev. Derek Roberts (University
of Tennessee), and Rev. Rob Jarvis (University of Minnesota-Morris). 

So join the Christ on Campus Team and not only get some great advice, but learn about how Chris ton Campus can help you as you seek to gift the
college students that you have the opportunity to serve.


Presenting HT-Online!!!



Higher Things Internet Services in conjunction with Higher Things Magazine is proud to present to you a brand new premium service, an online edition of the Higher Things Magazine which we affectionately call, HT-Online. This brand new service is available to new and existing subscribers of the Higher Things magazine. Additionally we have been making some upgrades to our online subscriptions form to allow you to pay directly with your credit card on our web site. If you have questions regarding these brand new services please feel free to direct them to our Webmaster.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for HT-Online today!

HT-Online subscriptions may be upgraded to any existing print subscriptions of the Higher Things magazine for $5.00, this subscription lasts for the duration of your print subscription. You may also renew your existing print subscription, or buy a new print subscription for $15.00 for one year, or $25.00 for two and add the online edition for the low cost of $5.00. Additionally the online edition alone is available for one year at the cost of $15.00 or two years for $25.00.


New Blogs

The Higher Things blogging community continues to grow! Just this past week two new blogs joined our rank, and we’d like to encourage you to check them out and read the good stuff they are writing. Aaron Fenker presents, the Psalmning Padawan, and John Pawlitz presents Pomeranian Bones. Both of these blogs promise to be worth your time, so check them out today and see what Aaron and John have been up to!


Arriving at The Feast

Dear everyone,

Now that you have a good idea what your housing situation is going to be like you are perhaps wondering how you are supposed to get where you are going once you get out to Colorado Springs.

Well, here you go:

I suggest you print off this document and keep it with your stack of stuff (like such things as those medical release forms)

This is your “everything you need to know about how to get to where you register, what you will get when you register, and what you do if all sorts of other stuff happens that you haven’t thought through yet and you don’t quite make it on time in order to register” document.

Blessings on your travel preparations!

Fraternally in Christ,

Rev. Marcus Zill, The Feast
Conference Coordinator


Final Schedule for The Feast

Dear everyone,

As you make your final preparations, I wanted to make sure you had a chance to see the absolute final schedule. This is so final that it’s directly out of the absolutely stunning conference handbook itself:

This year in addition to having the schedule in the handbook (did I mention it was stunning? :-), we are also going to provide a mini-sized schedule that you can fold and keep in the pocketed lanyards that will be provided to everyone by Colorado College.

In the past I’ve been tempted myself to just rip the schedule out of the handbook so I didn’t always have to have my handbook with me. Well, not only would you obviously not want to do that (did I mention that these handbooks are very nice? :-), but you won’t have to either.


Fraternally in Christ,

Rev. Marcus Zill, The Feast
Conference Coordinator


Higher Movies: “Dead Man’s Chest”

If you’re one of those people that hate cliffhanger endings, Pirates of the Caribbean:  Dead Man’s Chest is not the movie for you. Just wait until the DVD comes out to watch it.

That said, I had my suspicions about the end of this movie because they filmed both PotC 2 and 3 at the same time. I figured they would both have something to do with each other. Overall, though, I’d say it was a pretty good movie.

But, don’t read this if you don’t want to read a bunch of spoilers. 😉

The movie was pretty much like the first one. Lots of jokes, some slapstick humor, and good-looking actors in pirate costumes. I thought that the jokes sometimes made the movie a little bit sillier than it had to be. But hey, it’s a movie about pirates with Johnny Depp in it. Who cares?

It starts off with Will being arrested on his wedding for aiding Captain Sparrow (from the first movie), a well known condemned criminal and pirate. The penalty? Death. They soon afterwards arrest Elizabeth for committing the same crime. Captain Jack Sparrow still is on his Black Pearl, pirating across the ocean, without much luck hitting gold, it would seem. Instead, he’s searching for the key to Davy Jones locker. Supposedly, if you can find the Dead Man’s chest, you can capture and control the “devil himself.” Apparently, Captain Sparrow has made a deal with Davy Jones in the past, that, if Captain Jack gets to be Captain for 13 years, then he’ll serve Davy Jones for eternity. Bootstrap Bill Turner shows up to remind Johnny of the debt he owes to Davy Jones in exchange for 13 years of captaining the Black Pearl.

In the mean time, Will must find Captain Sparrow’s compass and return to the island with it. In exchange for the compass, Will and Elizabeth will be pardoned. In this movie, we’re finally told why the compass never points north: it always points to what you desire most.

All of this leads to awesome pirate dueling, wisecracks, and the same fun from the last Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

Throughout the movie, the theme was that selfishness doesn’t solve anything. Captain Sparrow wanted the Dead Man’s Chest so that he could free himself. Will wanted to have the chest so that he could free himself and Elizabeth. Former Commodore Norrington wanted the chest so that he could reclaim his place among the British Navy.

Such selfishness doesn’t get you anywhere among your friends or your enemies. In fact, selfishness is one of the “seven deadlies”. It’s a sin, and just like any other sin, it’ll get you condemned to a very hot place. Elizabeth tells Captain Jack that she believes there is good in him, and that in the end, he will do the right thing. So, in order to “redeem himself”, Captain Jack Sparrow goes back to the Black Pearl as the crew that he abandoned tries to save themselves and the ship. But can he redeem himself? According to the movie, there’s no way to get out of an oath made with Davy Jones.

Thankfully for us, though, we do have someone who has already redeemed us. Jesus. You don’t have to try to redeem yourself by killing a Beastie (sin), or by saving a ship. Jesus died for you. He took care of the devil for you and because of that, you’ll be in Heaven with Him some day. You don’t have to worry about the kraken of sin anymore. The debt’s paid in full.

Of course, this doesn’t answer what happens to Will and Elizabeth. Is Will finally free of Elizabeth and single now? Will Johnny come back? Why the heck does what’s-his-name want Davy Jones heart? Is Bootstrap ever going to be saved by his son? Will his barnacles go away? Isn’t Barbosa supposed to be dead? WHAT THE IS GOING ON HERE!? If you’re still wondering about these questions like I am, it’s going to be a while before we find our answers.

In the mean time, rest in the knowledge that the most important questions, like where you’re going to spend eternity and are you forgiven for your sins, are already answered. The answer is Jesus.

Anna Joy Holbird is an incoming freshman at Concordia University in Seward, NE.  She serves as the Reflections Content Manager for Higher Things Internet Services.  Check out her blog, Mostly Toomey & Eunice.