
Michigan Retreat! Registration Still Available!

Title:  “For All Saints:  A Higher Things Fall Retreat”

  Nov. 3-5, 2006
Location:  Zion Lutheran Church, Marshall, Michigan
Plenary Speaker:  Pastor Klement Preus
Website:  here.
Registration Forms:  Group and Individual
Retreat Flyer:  Download Here.
Cost:  The registration fee for the retreat is $40 with two different housing options:

Option 1 – Hotel: We have group reservations at the Hampton Inn (25 rooms) and the Holiday Inn Express (25 rooms), which are right next door to each other. Cost for both Friday and Saturday nights is $138 plus tax per room, or with four people per room, $38.50 plus tax a person.

Group leaders can reserve rooms with a credit card by calling the hotel directly and saying that they are with the Zion Lutheran Youth Retreat:

Hampton Inn: (269) 789-0131

Holiday Inn Express: (269) 789-9301

Option 2 – Home Stay: Families of the host congregation are opening their homes to provide free housing and breakfasts for any interested participants. If your group would like to take advantage of this, please contact the home stay co-ordinator, Mrs. Amy James, at 269-964-9909.

Deadline: Registrations with checks payable to “Zion Lutheran Church” must be postmarked no later than October 1, 2006. Space will be limited for this retreat, so groups are encouraged to register early!


Higher Things announces speakers for the 2007 “FOR YOU” summer conferences!

Just “For You,” Higher Things rejoices to introduce the Revs. William Cwirla, Brent Kuhlman, and Todd Wilken as the main speakers for our 2007 Lutheran Youth Conferences. All three have well-deserved reputations in the Church as outstanding theologians, and youth at previous Higher Things conferences have rated each of them among the very best sectional teachers.

Next summer, youth have a choice of not just one but two Higher Things Lutheran Youth Conferences! Both will celebrate the work of Christ “For You.” The first will be held from July 24-27, 2007 at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN. The second will take place from July 31-August 3, 2007 at Lifeway Ridgecrest Conference Center in Ridgecrest, NC, near Asheville.

Permit us to introduce you to the speakers we have chosen “For You.”

The Rev. William M. Cwirla

At both the Minnesota and North Carolina conferences, Pastor Bill Cwirla will be our catechist on Christ’s means of grace.

Pr. Cwirla and his wife, Karen, live in Hacienda Heights, CA, where he serves as pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. (For those who are geographically challenged, that’s in the Los Angeles area.) 

Pr. Cwirla is also Vice President of Higher Things and served on the liturgy committee for the Lutheran Service Book. He has written and spoken extensively in the Church on a wide range of topics from the craft of preaching to marriage & sexuality, and from the Church’s liturgy to science & the Christian faith. 

His presentations at Higher Things conferences consistently draw huge crowds. He holds both the Master of Divinity and Master of Sacred Theology degrees from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. 

In his “spare time,” Cwirla enjoys hiking, bicycling, music, woodworking, endless home improvement projects, and, most recently, as you can see in the photo, scuba diving.

Check out his incredibly popular blog, Rev. Cwirla’s Blogosphere.

The Rev. Todd Wilken

The Rev. Todd Wilken will be the catechist on Law and Gospel at the Minnesota “For You” conference. He pastored Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in Sugarloaf, IL, for nine years before becoming full-time radio host of Issues, Etc. 

Rev. Wilken and his wife Maria have two children, Emma and Solomon. They live in Waterloo, IL, which is just outside of St. Louis.

On Issues, Etc., Wilken provides “talk radio for the thinking Christian.” He can be heard daily during drive-time on AM 850 KFUO in St. Louis or on the Sunday Night edition of “Issues, Etc.,” which airs on about 100 stations nationwide, as well as on XM radio and the Internet

Wilken holds a Master of Divinity from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He speaks and preaches internationally, serving as a guest instructor for Christ Academy at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN and for the International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism and Human Rights in Strasbourg, France. 

Wilken is editor of the Issues, Etc. Journal and former editor of the journal Doctrine and Practice. In addition, he has authored numerous articles and essays, including the booklet, Same-Sex Marriage: Facing the Question

As a native Texan, Wilken likes his food spicy and both his desk and kitchen spotless.

The Rev. Brent W. Kuhlman

Pastor Brent Kuhlman serves Trinity Lutheran Church, Murdock, NE, and is a newly elected member of the Higher Things Board of Directors. He will be our Law and Gospel catechist at the North Carolina “For You” conference.

He and his wife, Robin, live southwest of Omaha with their three children, Allison, Jake, and Carlie.

Pr. Kuhlman holds both the Master of Divinity and Master of Sacred Theology degrees from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. He has served as guest professor at Concordia University, Seward, NE, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN, and the Lutheran Seminary, Novosibirsk, Siberia. He is especially reknown  for his teaching on Holy Absolution.

Pr. Kuhlman edited the newly revised edition of Koehler’s A Summary of Christian Doctrine (CPH) and serves as a pastoral advisor for The Fount and the LWML. He served as a plenary speaker at the very first Higher Things Youth Conference in Laramie, WY, and has been a popular presenter ever since.

In addition to his pastoral work, Kuhlman is a substitute teacher and assistant coach for the Elmwood-Murdock junior high girls’ basketball team. You can challenge him to a 3-point shooting contest in basketball…but you won’t win! Check out Pr. Kuhlman’s Higher Things blog too!


In Christ,

The Rev. Bruce Keseman
Conferences Executive, Higher Things, Inc.


“FOR YOU” Plenary Announcements

The excitement around the “FOR YOU” conferences is more than we could ever have imagined!  We have heard from groups all over the United States and Canada that are hurriedly filling out registration forms  and preparing to register. 

Don’t forget that October 1, 2006 is the deadline for first registration discount.  If you register your groups before Oct. 1, receive a $10 “early bird” discount on every registrant! Register today online!  Check out the “FOR YOU” website for paper registration information.

We’ve heard from many really excited Youth Groups!  Some have registered before we have even named the plenary speakers.  Why not?  You know with HT you are going to get the “FOR YOU” put into your ears!  Well, we are very excited to inform you that the plenary speakers for the “FOR YOU” conferences will be announced by the Conference Executive on Sunday night. 

In Christ,

Rev. George F. Borghardt III
Mrs. Sandra Ostapowich
“FOR YOU” Coordinators


Reflections: St. Lawrence/Martyrs’ Tide (Part 3)

“The message of the cross is simple. Christ has been crucified for the sins of the entire world. Our Lord’s last words from the cross say it best it is finished” (Reflection for Holy Cross Day 2006)

Our Lord Jesus continues to bring us through the season of Trinity as we go through the final second part of St. Lawrence/Martyrs’ Tide.   Higher Things would like to thank the Rev. Matthew Larson for writing this season’s Reflections.  Rev. Larson is currently filling vacancies and doing pulpit supply in the Oklahoma City Circuit. He lives in Mustang, Oklahoma.

The booklet of the first part of St. Lawrence/Martyrs’ Tide is available in pdf-format for download here.  You can receive the Higher Things Reflections in your e-mail box today! Subscribe by sending any e-mail to: You can find an RSS Feed and Podcast for the Higher Things Daily Reflections here.  Listening to podcasts requires iTunes.  Our Podcast is updated daily.

In Christ,

Rev. George F. Borghardt III
Internet Services Executive
Asheville FOR YOU Conference Chair
Higher Things, Inc.


HT seeks a Publications Executive

Higher Things has grown so much over the last few years that we’ve had to make some organizational changes in the past year in order to keep up with it all.  We have a Board of Directors who oversee the “big picture” of Higher Things, serve as guardians of the mission and stewards of our resources.  Then we have the Executives, the amazingly dedicated (and a little bit nuts) people who are in charge of doing all that you see Higher Things doing – Conferences, Retreats, Campus Ministry, Internet Services…and Publications.

In the past, HT Publications has meant Higher Things magazine.  The quality of writing and design is unparalleled in youth publications.  Our magazine has not only set a high standard for Lutheran theological magazines, it’s set a high standard for all that Higher Things puts into print.  There’s a lot we’re doing and even more we’d like to do at Higher Things that need to maintain that standard of style and production set by our magazine.

So we’re looking for someone to take on that job.  If you (or someone you know) are a confessional Lutheran, support Higher Things, have an experienced “eye” for design/layout, are able to manage complex projects and a variety of staff, and are slightly crazy, please check out the Higher Things Publications Executive job description.  We will be accepting resumes from candidates until October 15, 2006.


Higher Things Appoints Interim Magazine Editor

At its meeting in July, the Board of Directors for Higher Things appointed Pastor Tim Pauls as the new interim executive editor of Higher Things Magazine, succeeding Pastor Todd Peperkorn who served as executive editor from the magazine’s inception in 2001. “I’ve been a big fan of Higher Things magazine since the first issue,” said Pauls. “It’s been a pleasure serving in various capacities, and I’m certainly honored by the appointment to interim editor.”

When asked about the magazine, Pauls added, “Unlike other periodicals, HT has never been afraid to treat youth like they can think and want to learn—learn about Jesus and His Word, and what that means for them. It’s always been a relevant, high-quality piece that never stops declaring why it’s worth daring to be Lutheran.  Furthermore, the chance to work more with writers like Kathy [Luder] and the editorial staff is quite the privilege.”

Pastor Pauls serves as associate pastor and acting school administrator at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Boise, Idaho, where he lives with his wife, Teresa, and their two sons. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, writing and fly fishing. 

Pauls said that his initial goals with the magazine are to continue its high quality and increase circulation. His interim status is pending the appointment of a Publications Executive by the Higher Things Board of Directors.


Reflections: St. Lawrence/Martyrs’ Tide (Part 2)

“Fully knowing that he might be arrested and killed, John didn’t hesitate to proclaim the truth of the law to Herod. Only through repentance could Herod be prepared for the Christ who was to soon cross his path. John knew that Jesus, whom he had already baptized, was on the scene. John had nothing to fear, not even death. The One whose baptism would grant life, in the Holy Spirit, had already passed through the water when John had baptized him! Alongside John, you may also confess Christ’s truth with confidence. Even if death should threaten you, you needn’t fear, for you have been baptized into Jesus’ death and resurrection. If death couldn’t keep Christ in the grave, it can’t keep you, either. In the name of Jesus. Amen.” (Reflection for The Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist)

Our Lord Jesus continues to bring us through the season of Trinity as we go through the second part of St. Lawrence/Martyrs’ Tide.   Higher Things would like to thank the Rev. Ryan Fouts for writing this season’s Reflections.  Pastor Fouts is Pastor at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Sugarloaf, IL.

The booklet of the first part of St. Lawrence/Martyrs’ Tide is available in pdf-format for download here.  You can receive the Higher Things Reflections in your e-mail box today! Subscribe by sending any e-mail to: You can find an RSS Feed and Podcast for the Higher Things Daily Reflections here.  Listening to podcasts requires iTunes.  Our Podcast is updated daily.

In Christ,

Rev. George F. Borghardt III
Internet Services Executive
Asheville FOR YOU Conference Chair
Higher Things, Inc.


Internet Services Bunker

Ever since the Feast, we’ve had many request for more information concerning the headquarters of Higher Things, Internet Services.  What exactly goes on in the HT Internet Service “bunker” in Cabot, Pennsylvania?

Here is Stan Lemon, our superstar webmaster, in the bunker with his dog, Ivan…..  Questions abound! 

Is Stan working?  Is he hardly working?  How much of the programming that make this site so wonderful is done by Stan and how much is written by Ivan?  Exactly what type of soda is Stan drinking?  If the bunker is in Cabot, why is Stan wearing a Detroit Tigers cap?

For more information about the great Staff at Higher Things Internet Services, check out the About Us page. Now, we can’t let you into the Bunker in Cabot, but if you’d like to volunteer for Internet Services contact me.

Stan, it’s time for you to get back to work making the greatest Lutheran youth website on the planet…


Six New Christ on Campus Chapters

Dear everyone,

I am pleased to announce that we have recently added six new Christ on Campus Chapters, bringing the Christ on Campus Chapter network to seventeen.

The new Christ on Campus Chapters include:

  • All Saints Lutheran Church & Student Center, Slippery Rock, PA (Slippery Rock University)
  • Christ the King Lutheran Chapel, Mt. Pleasant, MI (Central Michigan University)
  • Lutheran Student Fellowship at Stanford/Trinity Lutheran Church, Palo Alto, CA  (Stanford University)
  • Zion Lutheran Church, Morris, MN (University of Minnesota – Morris)
  • Zion Lutheran Church, Alva, OK (Northwestern Oklahoma State University)
  • Lutheran Student Fellowship of Wright State University, Dayton, OH /Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Fairborn, OH (Wright State University)

The interest in the Christ on Campus network and our Chapter program continues to grow daily. To learn more about the Christ on Campus Chapter program and see the full listing of Chapters go to:

Rev. Marcus Zill, Executive
Higher Things, Christ on Campus

“Confessing Christ on Campus Since 1517′


“The Jesus I Need”

There are two popular views of Jesus. One sees Him only as a towering judge, ready to condemn the world and gleefully watch as it burns in Hell. The other stands in stark contrast, viewing Him as a gentle, loving friend who wants nothing more than the happiness of His followers, so long as they follow Him. I don’t need either of these Jesuses.

I am a sinner, condemned to die. I don’t need a Jesus who will stand on the sidelines. I don’t need a Jesus who will destroy me. I need a Jesus who will become flesh and suffer death for me. I need a Rescuer, a Savior. I need a Jesus who will intervene on my behalf, One who will take all my sins onto Himself and atone for them. I need a Jesus who will not only forgive me, but also heal me and restore me so “that I may be His own, and live under Him in His kingdom, and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness.”

I am a saint. I am a redeemed, baptized, forgiven child of God. I don’t need a Jesus who will put limits on that status. I don’t need a Jesus who will motivate me to lead a better life or “set my heart on fire.” I don’t need a Jesus who wants my happiness. I need a Jesus who will place His name on me, regardless of how deserving I am. I need a Jesus who will make me His own, even when I am incapable of following Him with my sinful flesh. I need a Jesus who will give me His Spirit and work good through me, instead of expecting me to do it on my own. I need a Jesus who will come to me since I cannot come to Him. I need a Jesus who wants my salvation, not my happiness. I need a Jesus who will say, “When through fiery trials your pathway will lie, My grace, all sufficient, will be your supply. The flames will not hurt you; I only design your dross to consume and your gold to refine.”

The Jesus I need is “not a tame lion.” He has compassion, but He is also just. He has mercy, but He is also jealous. He does not share the attention of His beloved, the Church. He forgives the repentant and draws them to Him. Yes, He is loving and a friend to sinners – but He is not a friend to sinners by saying, “That’s all right – do better next time.” We cannot do better. We can only do worse. He knows this. Our sinful flesh allows nothing better. But the bride of Christ has been covered with her Husband’s righteousness. As the bride of Christ, we can do better. And that is how Jesus is a friend to sinners – by shedding His blood and cleansing sinners in it. He is not your friend in a way that gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling in your heart. He is your friend in a far more intimate sense. He comes to you and gives of Himself. You do nothing but receive His love and cleansing.

The Jesus I need is the Jesus you need. It isn’t hard to get the Jesus we need. The Jesus we need comes to us in Baptism. The Jesus we need is seen and heard in the preaching of the Word. The Jesus we need forgives us in Absolution. The Jesus we need draws near to His bride – us – in Holy Communion. The Jesus we need is always there, for He has put Himself there. We did not decide to come to Him. He will never leave us. That is the Jesus I need.

Miss Rachel Soyk is known on her blog as “TripletThree.”  She serves as a copy editor for the Higher Things Reflections.  She is a student at Concordia University in Mequon, WI, where she is majoring in Literary Appreciation and minoring in Philosophy.  She is an invaluable member of the Higher Things Internet Services Staff.