
The Answer to Every Question….

It’s Here!  It’s Here!  Internet Services is very excited to unveil our new FAQ.  Our “Frequently Asked Questions” page is here!  It’s new.  It’s wonderful!  It’s completely “Powered by HT!”

Do you have a question about Higher Things? Find your answer in our FAQ!  Everything that you ever wanted to know about Higher Things right at the tips of your fingers.   Questions like…

What is the purpose of Higher Things?

Is Higher Things affiliated with The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod?

What do you mean by, “Dare to be Lutheran”?

Got a question about Conferences? Retreats? BAMBI? The Magazine? Check the FAQ!  The answer is probably there! 

Now, there are two questions that I get asked all the time that are not currently included in the FAQ:  

Is the Retreat Executive married?  Answer:  No, he’s extremely single!  I can’t give you his phone number, but I can give you his email address.

How do I become Stan Lemon?  Answer:  You can’t become Stan Lemon.  The Lord made each of us unique.  He made you who you are.  He washed your sins away at the Baptismal Font.  There’s only one you.  There’s also only one Lemon and HT’s website is happily powered by him.

But other than those two questions, the FAQ has all the answers to the rest of our most commonly asked questions. Check out our new FAQ or just click the FAQ in the black panel!

We are pretty excited about our FAQ.  It won’t give you the answers to your trig homework.  But, if it’s related to Higher Things, our FAQ.  probably has the answer!  Check it out! 

In Christ,

Pastor Borghardt
Internet Services Executive
Higher Things, Inc.

P.S.  Did I say we had a FAQ?  We do!


St. Michael’s Tide (Part II)

A disciple of Jesus goes where Jesus is. In Christ’s church, the Christian has all that he needs to have eternal life, given from the gracious hand of God through his pastor. That is faith; that is being a disciple: receiving what the Lord has accomplished where it is delivered. That’s what the Reformation was really all about! In the Name of Jesus. Amen.” (Reflection for Reformation  Day)

Our Lord Jesus continues to bring us through the season of Trinity as we go through the end of the season known as “St. Michael’s Tide.”  Higher Things would like to thank the Rev. Mark Buetow for this portion of the St. Michael’s Tide Reflections. Rev. Buetow served Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in New Orleans for almost six years until Hurricane Katrina forced the congregation to release him. He currently resides in Louisville, Kentucky and is awaiting another Call.

The booklet of the first part of St. Michael’s Tide is available in pdf-format for download here.  You can receive the Higher Things Reflections in your e-mail box today! Subscribe by sending any e-mail to: You can find an RSS Feed and Podcast for the Higher Things Daily Reflections here.  Listening to podcasts requires iTunes.  Our Podcast is updated daily.

In Christ,

Rev. George F. Borghardt III
Internet Services Executive
Asheville FOR YOU Conference Chair
Higher Things, Inc.


Another HT Wedding!

When Higher Things revamped its website a while back, Mollie Ziegler jokingly asked if her name in the Board of Directors listing could have a blinking, red MISS in front of it.  (Little did she know that Internet Services would do as she asked!) 

But on September 15, 2006 all that changed.  Miss Mollie Ziegler was given in marriage to Mr. Mark Hemingway.  She will now be known as MRS. M. Z. Hemingway. 

Please join us at Higher Things in wishing them congratulations and all of God’s blessings for them and their new life together in Christ.


Congratulations Kavouras Family!

Congratulations Nick and Naomi Kavouras (as well as their family) on their new addition! Ms. Saranita Kay Kavouras was born at 5:02am this morning at 7lbs 3 oz. Congratulations!!!

Fifth Annual Christ on Campus Staff Conference

We are pleased to announce that plans are well underway for the Fifth Annual Christ on Campus Staff Conference to be held in the Greater Milwaukee, Wisconsin area. So mark your calendars and make plans to join us for…


June 5-7, 2007
Luther Memorial Chapel and University Student Center
Shorewood, WI.

Look for more details in the coming months!

Rev. Marcus Zill, Executive
Higher Things, Christ on Campus

“Confessing Christ on Campus Since 1517”


Fall Christ on Campus Retreats

We are pleased to announce five great Christ on Campus College Retreats slated for this fall:

  • St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center, Pittsburgh, PA
    (Univ. of Pittsburgh, Duquense, Carnegie-Mellon, and others)
    September 29-October 1
  • University Lutheran Chapel, Minneapolis, MN
    (University of Minnesota)
    October 13-15
  • University Lutheran Church, Champaign, IL
    (University of Illinois)
    October 20-21
  • University Lutheran Chapel, Boulder, CO
    (Colorado University)
    October 27-29
  • Lutheran Campus Ministry, Knoxville, TN
    (University of Tennesee)
    October 27-29

Please check out the Christ on Campus College Retreats page to find out more specific information about these retreats!

Many more College Retreats are being planned already for this coming Spring.

Rev. Marcus Zill, Executive
Higher Things, Christ on Campus

“Confessing Christ on Campus Since 1517”


Free the Lemon!

Stan Lemon, our beloved webmaster, has been locked in the official Higher Things Internet Services Bunker in Cabot, PN for three solid months.  Stan makes the magic happen behind the scenes.  He was on the many reasons why the Higher Things website is the most bodacious youth website on the planet. 

We finally allowed him to take a day off.  Check out the before and after shot…

Don’t you think we should let the Lemon out more often?



St. Michael’s Tide I – Reflections

“On St. Michael and All Angels Day, we see the Archangel Michael and his angels battling Satan and his angels. In his rebellion against God Satan took with him one-third of the myriad of angels. What a battle! But Satan and his angels couldn’t defeat Michael and his angels. They weren’t strong enough, so they were thrown down to earth.” (Reflection for St. Michael and All Angels)

Our Lord Jesus continues to bring us through the season of Trinity as we go through the beginning of the season known as “St. Michael’s Tide.”  Higher Things would like to thank the Rev. Joel Fristche for writing this season’s Reflections.  The Rev. Joel Fritsche has served parishes in Wyoming and Texas. He is currently an Admissions Counselor at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri.

The booklet of the first part of St. Michael’s Tide is available in pdf-format for download here.  You can receive the Higher Things Reflections in your e-mail box today! Subscribe by sending any e-mail to: You can find an RSS Feed and Podcast for the Higher Things Daily Reflections here.  Listening to podcasts requires iTunes.  Our Podcast is updated daily.

In Christ,

Rev. George F. Borghardt III
Internet Services Executive
Asheville FOR YOU Conference Chair
Higher Things, Inc.


Fall HT Magazine Coming Soon

Another issue of Higher Things is coming soon to a mailbox near you. Inside the cover of the fall copy, you’ll find a gob of great articles. From discussions on animal rights to a celebration of Higher Thing’s fifth birthday, this is an issue you won’t want to miss. 

You’ll be glad to know that your favorite columns are still here. In the catechism article, Pastor David Petersen discusses the importance of honoring and being grateful for your pastor. In the “Mining the Riches” column, Pastor Bart Day writes about the impact of Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection on sinful mankind. In “Dare to Be Lutheran,” Pastor Todd Wilken explains the difference between having a nice Jesus and a crucified Jesus who died for your salvation. In the “Christ on Campus” column, you can learn how to start discussions about Christ with friends who aren’t Christian. And in “Pulse,” Pastor George F. Borghardt explores the media’s interpretation of who it thinks Christ is.

We also have a variety of feature articles, including Pastor Tim Pauls’ explanation of the order of creation. If you like animals, this one’s for you! Then there’s the long-awaited photo collage of all the great things that went on at The Feast. And not to be outdone, Higher Things Magazine celebrates its fifth birthday with a series of fun facts about the magazine, its history, and a personal letter from Interim Executive Editor Pastor Tim Pauls.

And if that still isn’t enough, we’re also giving you Pastor Brent Kuhlmann’s inside scoop on Confession and Absolution. And to round out the magazine, there’s Kathy Luder, who’s got a story to share with you about issues she recently faced with her teacher.

Have we whet your whistle? We sure hope so! So keep an eye out. The magazine’s on its way.


“Dying to Live” DVD

Lutheran Visuals has made available the catechesis videos developed in conjunction with “Dying to Live” on DVD!  DTL was, in essence, our first Higher Things Conference.  It was held in 2000 in Laramie, WY.  This DVD takes you through nine videos on the Rev. Dr. Harold Senkbeil book, “Dying to Live.” 

The DVDs are $49.95.  With the DTL DVD, you get a free LCMS History DVD as a bonus.   If you identify yourself as having seen this post on our Higher Things website, you’ll get a 30% discount.  Wow!  What a steal!

Check out Lutheran Visual’s website for details!  Make sure you mention that you are from HT for your discount!