
Happy Birthday Pastor Cwirla!

Happy Birthday to Pastor Bill Cwirla, our beloved Vice President. 

We want to know what YOU think!

Whether teen, young adult, pastor or parent, we want to know what you think of the magazine! Please take a few minutes to follow this link to an online survey and tell us what you think:


During this survey, we’re also offering the chance to join our ‘Reader Panel’ – a group that gives us opinions on an ongoing basis.

The survey is absolutely confidential; your responses will be used for magazine development only. So, go ahead, tell us what’s on your mind today!

Thank you!

Carolyn Davis Cockey, MLS
Higher Things Publications Executive


FOR YOU Choral Workshops

We are sorry to report that the Higher Things Pre-Conference Workshop for Conference Musicians, “Music in Your Life” has been canceled for both the Minnesota and North Carolina FOR YOU Conferences. This “warm-up” workshop required at least 50 participants in each location for Higher Things to be able to offer the opportunity. Unfortunately we did not receive enough applicants for the workshops. We sincerely thank those who applied, and Mr. LaCroix will be contacting each applicant personally soon.

HOWEVER, once again, there will be a volunteer-based Conference Choir at each site that will serve in many of the daily services. Rehearsal times are being scheduled for each day of the conference – including prior to the opening Divine Service for those who arrive in time to practice!  Singers of all  ages are welcome to join this choir.

In Christ,

Kantor Richard Resch
FOR YOU Conferences Music/Worship Coordinator


Higher Things for unconfirmed?
You bet, the first of its kind!

TO: Pastors
FROM: Rev. Brent Kuhlman
REGARDING: HIGHER THINGS Catechetical Camp at Camp Comeca May 29-31, 2007 (south of Cozad, NE;

COST: $80.00 per person (two overnights and 6 meals) plus $20.00 per group for HIGHER THINGS MATERIALS that will be provided for the campers.

Each year Trinity Lutheran Church (Murdock, NE)  and other area congregations go to Camp Comeca for a catechetical camp. The camp is for 5th-8th graders. This year the catechetical camp will also be done in cooperation with HIGHER THINGS.

This year we will focus on this theme: Aslan’s World: Biblical Images and Themes in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. This will include watching the DVD.

Please plan to arrive at Camp Comeca on 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 29 and depart after lunch on Thursday, May 31, 2007.

Camp Comeca has excellent facilities including an indoor pool and gym. It sits next to Midway Lake for canoeing. There are tennis and volleyball courts as well.

Please encourage this among your junior youth.

If you plan to attend, contact Pr. Brent Kuhlman shortly after Easter regarding how many will be in your group. Plan on having adults (male and female) accompany the students. I would suggest that you obtain a deposit from the youth in advance. Final payment can be made when your group
arrives at Camp Comeca.

If you have any other questions, please call (402) 867-2916 or email

Peace be with you.

Pastor Brent W. Kuhlman

Tentative Camp Comeca Schedule:
May 29, 2007
4:30 p.m. Arrive / Unpack
5:30 p.m. Supper
6:45-7:15 p.m. Lesson 1: “The Man behind the Books”
7:15-8:00 ap.m. Lesson 2: “Through the Wardrobe”
8:00-9:45 p.m . Swimming
10:00 p.m. Snack
10:15 p.m. Vespers
11:00 p.m. Lights Out

May 30, 2007
8:00 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m. Matins
9:00 a.m. Cleanup
9:30-10:15 a.m. Lesson 3: “Faith, Doubt, and Logic”
10:30 a.m. Softball Game — Campers vs. Pastors and Adult Sponsors
11:15 a.m. Free Time
Noon: Lunch
12:30 p.m. Free Time
1:00-1:45 p.m. Lesson 4: “Aslan Is On The Move”
2:00-4:00 p.m. Swimming / Gym / Canoeing / Paddle boats
4:00-5:15 p.m. Free Time
5:30 p.m. Supper
7:00-7:45 p.m. Lesson 5: “Promise Breakers and Promise Keepers”
8:30 p.m. Bonfire
10:00 p.m. Snack
10:15 p.m. Vespers
11:00 p.m. Lights Out

May 31, 2007
8:00 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m. Matins
9:00 a.m. Cleanup
9:30-10:15 a.m. Lesson 7: “A Deeper Magic Still”
10:30 a.m. Pack up
Noon Lunch
Leave for Home

Here’s a list of items you need for Camp Comeca (May 29-31, 2007).
1. Sleeping bag and pillow
2. Swimsuit
3. 2 Towels
4. Toiletry items
5. Gym shoes and gym clothes
6. NIV Bible
7. Flashlight
8. In case of cold weather a light jacket or sweatshirt and a pair of jeans.
9. Baseball or softball glove
10. Sunscreen and bug spray
11. Some cash for snacks as we travel to and from camp
12. Outdoor shoes
13. Tennis racket / balls


Campers are not allowed to bring Ipods, portable CD players or boom boxes.

Need to contact campers? Leave a message at 308-784-2271. Messages may be retrieved by the campers at meal times (8:00 a.m., noon, and 5:30 p.m.) except for emergencies. Pastor Kuhlman’s cell phone is (402) 867-4048

In Christ,

Landon B. Reed
Higher Things Retreat Executive


Need an HT Vacation?

Do you need a Higher Things Vacation? How about trekking through Yellow Stone National Park? White Water Rafting? Tubing the Frio River? Ever been to a real live Bat Cave? Want to go on a Scavenger Hunt in Downtown Chicago?

Come have a Retreat HT style! When we worship, we worship – traditional liturgical worship. When we study, we study – Christ Crucified “For You” at the center of all catechetical sections. And when we play, we play “Extreme!” Youth groups or families with confirmands to college age youth check out the following! 

Look for registration to open in less than two weeks for the following retreats:


The Hole Retreat (Yellow Stone National Park)

June 8-11, 2007
Topic: Holy Baptism
Location:  Redeemer Lutheran Church, 175 N. Willow Jackson Hole, WY 83001
Cost: $100.00 (Includes tent lodging on church grounds, food and National Park tours and hiking.)
Speaker: Rev. Mark Buetow
Contact: Pastor David Bott
Phone: (307)733-3409 church or (307)690-8697 cell.
Church website:
Church e-mail:

Chicago Downtown Photo Scavenger Hunt

 June 8-10, 2007
Topic: “The Lord’s Prayer”
Location:  9035 Grant Avenue, Brookfield, IL 60513
Cost- $60 (Includes lodging, food except two meals on their own and other activities during the weekend.)
Speaker: Rev. Peter Berg (Our Savior, Norwood Park (Chicago) IL)

Contact St. Paul Brookfield church office, secretary Ms. Grimm. 708-485-6987

Frio Falls Retreat

May 31-June 2, 2007
Topic: TBA
Location:  Rio Frio, TX 78879
Cost: $90.00 (Includes lodging, food and other activities during the weekend.)
Speaker: Rev. Duane Bamsch (Evangelist’s Lutheran Church Kingsbury, TX)

For more information contact Scott DeCaluwe at Living Word Lutheran Church The Woodlands, TX 281-363-4860.

In Christ,

Landon B. Reed
Retreat Executive


Adult Opportunity to Attend FOR YOU

Ever thought to yourself, “It’s not fair that youth get to have all the fun.  I wish there was something like Higher Things when I was a teenager…”

Now’s your chance to experience a Higher Things conference for yourself!

This year, and ONLY this year, we are opening up our youth conference for adults to come and see just what goes on at at these events.  The Gospel is FOR YOU too!  There are two ways to take advantage of this opportunity…

In Minneapolis – FOR YOU – For a Day!  We have set aside a very limited number of spots to make them available for adults to come and visit on a “day-pass”.  You will be able to participate in all the worship, study, and fun we have in a given day at the conference.  $75 will admit you to the conference itself, cover your meals, parking, souvenir t-shirt, and entertainment activities for one day only.  This opportunity is only available to singles and couples. 

In Asheville – FOR YOU – For the Week!  We have the ability to expand our capacity beyond those accepted during the normal Registration period.  For $275 per person, you may join in the Higher Things Asheville conference.  This fee covers your registration, double-capacity housing, meals, and all the worship, study, and fun taking place at conference.  There will be a special catechetical session or two for these visiting adults as well.

There is one condition to which all adults must agree in order to attend FOR YOU For a Day or FOR YOU For the Week: Stay out of the kids’ way! 🙂  Please keep in mind that these are first conferences for YOUTH.  If you’d like to spend time talking to pastors/preachers, sectional teachers, staff, and other adults, please do so during free time and not during sectionals.

Download the FOR YOU For a Day (MN) Registration Form

Download the FOR YOU For the Week (NC) Registration Form

Registration forms and fees must be mailed to the Registrar by May 1, 2007.


We’ll Miss You, Julie!

After five years of service to Higher Things Magazine, Managing Editor Julie Stiegemeyer has resigned from her position in order to spend more time with her family as well as pursue other writing interests. Assistant Editor Adriane Dorr will be taking her place. The official passing of the, um, homemade scepter took place on Friday, February 17, as did the rewarding of the retirement tiara and cape. Julie began work at the magazine several years ago and initially served as a proofreader. She started taking on more and more editorial tasks and wound up working as one of the head editors, which she has done for several years. Although Julie’s editorial expertise is irreplaceable, we are thankful for her years of dedication to her work and her faithful service to Higher Things and look forward to some future articles in Higher Things magazine.


Strange Similarities….

We give special thanks to the FemLems for this one….


Higher Things Magazine Debuts Toll-Free Subscription Number!

Just when you thought Higher Things Magazine couldn’t make it any easier for you to subscribe to the magazine, we did. As of March 1, you can now order your magazine subscriptions online at or by phone at 1-888-448-2359. Start dialing!


New Reflections Editor: Mark Buetow

Dear Friends,

For the past two years, Higher Things has been pleased to provide daily Reflections on our website for college students, youth, and their families.  These Gospel devotions have been the hard work of volunteer writers and editors and centered everything we do on the internet around Jesus Christ and Him crucified.  Freely they have been given and freely they have been received.

It has been given to me as the Internet Services Executive to oversee the writing and editing of these Reflections.  This task has been one of the most enjoyable parts my work as the executive.  But due to the great expansion of our website, it is time to pass this wonderful task to a far more gifted pastor and a dear friend of mine, Pastor Mark Buetow. 

The Reverend Mark Buetow received his Master of Divinity in 1998 but stayed at the seminary to get his Masters of Sacred Theology in 2000 from Concordia Seminary. He serves Bethel Lutheran Church in Du Quoin, Illinois.  He has been married to Susan for 13 years and they have three children (twins Naomi and Anna and Emily). In his free time, Pastor Buetow enjoys playing strategy and boardgames is responsible for getting me addicted to Linux. 

We are very excited to have Pastor Buetow involved in Higher Things.

In Christ,

Rev. George F. Borghardt III
Internet Services Executive
Higher Things, Inc.