
Upgraded Forum Software

Higher Things upgraded their forum software today. You’ll notice for the most part that everything stayed in tact, and that most of the features you’ve grown accustom to are still here, plus some new ones.

If you were already registered with the Higher Things Forum, your account should be waiting for you. All you need to do is use the “Lost Password” functionality to reset your password. The reason for this is because each piece of software (the old forum and the new) used their own respective algorithms for encrypting passwords and they are unique to each piece of software. This is done for increased security, which is always a good thing! Consequently, though, the new software could not copy your password over, and hence the need to reset it.

If you haven’t had a chance to explore our forum software, we strongly encourage you to do so!

We hope you enjoy the new forum, happy surfing!

P.S. myHT users keep an eye out for an up-and-coming module to keep an eye on what’s happening on the forum.


myHT Technical Difficulties

Greetings, some of you over Memorial Day weekend may have experienced technical difficulties with Higher Things new gateway, myHT. We are deeply sorry for any lapse in service you may have experienced due to these technical problems. myHT is very much a service in-progress, and we are continuously working to improve the functionality and performance of it.

Some of you may have stumbled upon the freedom of myHT, that is the ability to locate each “box” (we call them modules) where you want on the myHT landing page. For those that discovered this functionality (yes, we didn’t tell you on purpose – we wanted it to be a surprise!) you will notice that myHT no longer remembers where you put things. Unfortunately the technical problems experienced this weekend were in part related to the freedom of myHT.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ rejoice! Forgiveness doth abound! While myHT may not remember where you put things, that functionality has not disapeared. As is true in the Christian life, myHT is moving forward renewed and ready to once again live freely. Blogger Smiley

Again, we at Internet Services hope that you were not inconvenienced by the lapse of service over Memorial Day weekend. We hope and plan to provide you with the same great service you have come to expect from the Higher Things Website.

In case you hadn’t noticed either, there’s some new content over at myHT so you should go check it out! Remember, there is always more at myHT – new content each week, posted throughout the week. More is the way of Gospel – and there are always more gifts waiting at myHT!


myHT is HERE!

is here!  Come and browse the new “landing page” through which you may enter and enjoy the Lutheran internet community of Higher Things.  Regular columns are there for your enjoyment, as well as a place to read the Daily Reflection, to surf the HT news, and to see some HT blog topics to browse. 

We and our youth love Higher Things magazine.  We are edified by the conferences.  And we just can’t wait to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest more.  So here it is!  More HT on a regular basis, for you!

The themes and topics of myHT  are wide open, as “Christian freedom meets the internet.”  In other words, while many opportunities abound to discuss articles regarding God’s Word and the holy gifts and life of prayer He gives us, other columns will also pursue issues that face us in the world.

Here we invite you to continue to “dare to be Lutheran!”  Part of being Lutheran is a life of catechesis and dialogue.  As you browse myHT, be sure to speak up.  Comment on articles.  Add your two cents!  We all will benefit as we confess Christ to one another, and share the knowledge and experience that He gives.

 is YOUR HT.  Join the catechesis.  Join the fun.  Join us in saying, “This is myHT!”


Trinity I – Pentecost Tide Reflections Now Available!

Having passed through the part of the church year in which we focus on the birth, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, now we embark upon the Trinity Season. On the Day of Pentecost, the Spirit delivered the forgiveness of sins to 3,000 people through the preaching of Peter and the waters of Holy Baptism. These Reflections for Pentecost and the start of the Trinity season continually point us to the that same delivery of Jesus’ gifts by the Holy Spirit, now FOR YOU!

Our Reflections writer for Pentecost and the first few weeks of the Trinity season is the Rev. Michael Scudder, pastor of Faith Lutheran Church, Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

The booklet of Trinity – Pentecost Tide Reflections is available for free in PDF-format for download HERE.  You can also receive the Higher Things Reflections in your e-mail box today! Subscribe by sending any e-mail to: An RSS Feed and Podcast for the Higher Things daily Reflections can be found here.  Listening to podcasts requires iTunes.  Our Podcast is updated daily.

In Christ,

The Rev. Mark Buetow
Editor, Higher Things Reflections


myHT to Go Up on Ascension Day!

New heights of where Christian freedom meets the internet are just around the corner. Yes myHT is set to go up on Ascension Day, next Thursday!

You have had a sneak peek through several articles here on the main site of Higher Things; now get ready to bookmark myHT as one of your new favorite places!

There are two things that we at Higher Things encourage you to do for this Festival of the Ascension of Our Lord: 1.) Go to Divine Service to receive our Ascended Lord in His Gifts, and 2.) check out myHT.

Join us and get swept up with the great articles on everything from our life of prayer to current events in the news; from the Daily Reflections to life issues; from movie and music reviews to catechesis that truly dares to be Lutheran. myHT is what we have been looking for: a place to “ascend in heart and mind and continually dwell there with Him,” rejoicing in His Holy Gifts, and living out our many and various vocations.   myHT will continue to build on the Higher Things format: when we worship we worship; when we work we work; and when we play we play.

On Ascension Day, begin your frequent visits to myHT to explore our worship, work, and play!


Look for Lock-ins in your Area!

This is Landon Reed.  You know him.  You love him. He’s the Retreat Executive.  He scours the free world in search of retreat locations for Higher Things.  His favorite tools are google, his trusty GPS, and his extreme-cellphone. 

He’s always trying to figure out the best way to get the Gospel to the ears of teenagers everywhere and anywhere.  This picture, taken in some remote location possibly in Mexico, shows him contemplating where  HT will be next!  

Now, you don’t have to go to Mexico to experience an HT Retreat.  There will be retreats popping up all over the United States in the coming year!

In preparation for FOR YOU, there will be pre-conferences lock-ins throughout the US!   Look for information and locations in your area soon. 

Want to have a retreat in your area?  Email Landon today!  He can’t get you this sombrero, but he can arrange a retreat or lock-in your area. 


Higher Things seeks a new Conferences Executive!

Each summer since 2001, Higher Things has held conferences for Lutheran youth.  In past years we have been to Laramie, WY; Duluth, MN; Arlington, TX; Seattle, WA; St. Louis, MO; and Colorado Springs, CO.  Due to the overwhelming response for  last year’s conference, “The Feast”, Higher Things went out on a limb to serve even more Lutheran youth with the Gospel and will be having two conferences this summer – one in Minneapolis, MN and one in Asheville, NC. 

Organizing Higher Things’ conferences is a huge task – we began plans for 2008’s conferences about six months ago and are already beginning work for 2009.  And all the while, details are coming together in the final weeks for the 2 conferences this summer!  The Higher Things Conferences Executive is ultimately responsible for everything from site selection to committee selection and oversight for each conference.  Conferences are the backbone of all that Higher Things endeavors – immersing youth in historic worship, challenging study, and creative fun for four days each summer. 

One of the goals for Higher Things is to keep our services and conferences as affordable for as many youth as possible.  We accomplish this largely through the incredibly generous work of many volunteers, including our Executives.  While the Conference Executive is a paid position within Higher Things, applicants should consider their work a labor of love.  Download a detailed job description for the Higher Things Conferences Executive.

Higher Things will accept applications from May 1 through June 15, which will be reviewed by a committee who will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors.  The Board will interview the top candidates and select a new Conferences Executive by August 1.  The new Executive should plan to begin on September 1.  Please email Sandra Ostapowich ( with cover letters and resumes or if you have questions about the position.


The Hole Retreat (Yellowstone National Park)

June 8-11, 2007

Topic: Holy Baptism
Location: Redeemer Lutheran Church, 175 N. Willow Jackson Hole, WY 83001
Cost: $100.00 (Includes tent lodging on church grounds, food and National Park tours and hiking.)
Speaker: Rev. Mark Buetow
Contact: Pastor David Bott
Phone: (307) 733-3409 church or (307) 690-8697 cell.
Church website:
Church e-mail:
Numerous ‘optional’ activities are available during the free time as ‘optional activities’. Some of them are listed below. The optional activities are not included in the cost of the retreat.

White water raft trip: $34.00 per person. We have a group rate for those who want to enjoy this type of adventure. The company we will use is LEWIS & CLARK RIVER EXPEDITIONS in JACKSON HOLE, WYOMING.

We will need to know if there are any special medical conditions among your party we would need to know about, or if anyone carries any medications we would need to keep safe for them. Click here to download a copy of our acknowledgment of risk upon request. Any minors under the age of 18 unaccompanied by their parents should have their parents sign this before departing.

If want to contact them directly their data follows: Karen & James
Lewis & Clark Expeditions
Post Office Box 720
335 N. Cache
Jackson, WY 83001

Nationwide: 1-800-824-5375 In Jackson: 733-4022 (area code 307)


Snow King Mountain is less than 8 blocks away for those who may want to hike to the top for a spectacular view of Jackson Hole. For the less energetic – you can ride the ski lift to the top. The cost to ride the chair lift to the top of Snow King Mountain is $9.00 each. If you hike up to the top, you can buy a ride down for only $1.00.

Web link:

The Alpine slide is $12.00 per run or 5 runs for $50.00.

Web link:

Here’s just a sample of what you’ll have to look at every day.

There are numerous trailheads near by with hundreds of miles of hiking trails. The Forest service provides free of charge good maps to these areas.

The Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce website is

There is limited space for “roughing it”. We will provide tents for 20 – 24 attendees (number depends on the size of the persons). You are welcome to bring your own tent and we’ll incorporate them into our area without any problem. There’s always room for more. Attendees will need to bring their own sleeping bags and bedding. It most likely will be cool in the evenings (mid to upper 30’s) but it’s dry cool! Shower facilities are available at the Teton County Recreation Center across the street from the Church. The cost is $5.00 per day.

Motel rooms (two queen size beds occupancy) start at $75.00 + tax per night. I’m still working on a block rate, but for budget purposes, that’s a good number. If they want to go with a national chain, we have a few locations of Quality Inn (800)-4-TETONS, Motel 6, Super 8, Days Inn. Of course we have the Four Seasons, the Amangani, and the Spring Creek Resort for those packing several cubic feet of dollars.

What to bring?

Bible, Small Catechism, Jacket, change of clothes (including Sunday), medications (with instructions for chaperones), towel, washcloth, toiletries (deodorant, soap, tooth brush/paste, deodorant, etc.), Sun screen, lip balm, sunglasses, hat w/large brim, swim suit, water shoes, camera w/plenty of film/memory, comfortable well-broken in hiking shoes/boots, extra socks, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, pillow, extra blanket flashlight money for additional snacks and souvenir shopping.

Binoculars, hydration pack/canteen (we will provide plenty of water during the hikes and the white water raft trip.)
The elevation in Jackson is 6,200 ft. For those not familiar with higher elevations, the air is thinner and the sun more intense. Consequently, greater skin care is required. We suggest you bring not just a hat but as stated above, one with a large brim – all the way around. In other words, not just a baseball style cap. Also, your sun block should start at a 32 spf or higher and lip balm should have sun blocker in it as well.

If you would like to bring a self-contained camper, we will gladly make provisions in the Church parking lot to accommodate you.


Retreat Registration…

Online Registrations are now open for this summer’s Higher Things Retreats

Retreat registrations are now online and open for:

  • Frio Falls HT Extreme Retreat on the Frio Falls River, TX 5/31-6/2 Rio Frio, TX 78879
  • Chicago Scavenger Hunt, “The Lord’s Prayer” at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Brookfield 6/8-6/10
  • The Jackson Hole Retreat at Yellowstone National Park 6/8-6/11

Click here to register online today!


Registration Open for Fifth Annual Christ on Campus Staff Conference

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the Fifth Annual Christ on Campus Staff Conference to be held this coming June 5-7, 2007 at Luther Memorial Chapel & University Center in Shorewood, WI.

Registration is $69. Those who register before May 20, 2007 will receive an early registration rate of $59. ONCE AGAIN, SEMINARIANS ARE FREE!

Detailed information and online registration is now available at:

This is the fifth annual Higher Things conference for those engaged in campus ministry. Whether you are already doing campus ministry or are just getting started; whether you are a full- or part-time campus pastor, a town & gown pastor, a DCE, a DCO, or an interested layperson, this conference is for you.

Speakers include:

Dr. Angus Menuge Learn more about Dr. Menuge
“The Battle for the Christian Mind”

Dr. Menuge is Professor of Philosophy & Computer Science at Concordia University � Wisconsin.

Dr. Beverly Yahnke Learn more about Dr. Yahnke
“Christian Counseling: Caring for Psyche and Soul on Campus”

Dr. Yahnke is the Director of Christian Counseling Services in Milwaukee, is the Exec. for Christian Counseling for Doxology and has served as a member of the Higher Things Board of Directors.

In addition to listening to great speakers and learning campus ministry basics, there will be lots of opportunities to share ideas and resources with others at the forefront of campus ministry. And, of course, there will be plenty of chances to socialize and simply get to know others with whom you will be able to network long after you have returned home. Plus, Milwaukee is a great town! You won’t want to miss Christ on Campus V!

Engaged in campus ministry? Want to be?

We look forward to seeing you in Milwaukee!

Rev. Marcus T. Zill
Christ on Campus Executive

P.S. We wholeheartedly apologize for any confusion created by the appearance of the wrong dates for this event appearing in the most recent (Spring 2007) issue of the Higher Things magazine. This was the fault of yours truly and not the fine HT magazine personnel.