
HT Spring Newsletter Online!

Our Spring 2007 issue of our newsletter is now online!  The Spring issue includes information on conferences, retreats, Christ on Campus, an article by our President, Rev. Klemet Preus, and introductions to the new editors of HT magazine, myHT, and Reflections.  Look for the summer issue after the “For You” conferences.

In Christ,

Erika Gehrke

Development Coordinator
Higher Things, Inc.


Congrats to the Gehrkes!

Congratulations Erika and Jason!!!!!!!!

Need a Ride to MN?

Attention Minneapolis FOR YOU conference-goers! A group coming to Minneapolis from the St. Louis area has extra room in their bus if any stragglers still need transportation. If you’re interested in hopping a ride, please contact. Pr. Bruce Keseman at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church in Freeburg, IL at (618)539-5664.


Trinity: Apostle’s Tide Reflections Now Available

During the Trinity Season, the church continues to hear of the work of the Triune God shown in the Son’s work as true God and true man in Jesus Christ. These Reflections, which continue to carry us through the Trinity season, are drawn from the Sunday Readings, the Daily Readings and portions of the Small Catechism. In them, you will continue to be nourished by the comfort of Christ’s saving work accomplished FOR YOU and delivered in His means of grace. The Rev. Carlton Hein, Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, Loveland, CO, is the author for this portion of the Trinity season.

Trinity: Apostle’s Tide Reflection are now available for download here.


Pre-Conference Lockin in Kearney, MO

A Pre-Conference Lockin is being held at Trinity Lutheran Church in Kearney, MO on June 29th. All are welcome to attend! The lockin will be held from 7:00pm until 7:00am the following morning. Rev. Drew Newman will be the catechist. Interested in coming and want more information? Contact Rev. James Gier at (816)637-2785.

Are you interested in having a Pre-Conference lockin before you come to this year’s Higher Things Conference, For You in Minneapolis, MN and Asheville, NC? Contact Landon Reed to set a lockin up at your church today!


Calling All Writers!

Are you an aspiring writer? Have you ever been interested in putting together an article for Higher Things Magazine? Before you put pen to paper, check out our new, updated list of potential topics for the upcoming year. Then, feel free to familiarize yourself with the writer’s guidelines, which are there to help you mold and shape your thoughts into a dynamic article. Go to for more and new information.



Sample Medical Release Form FOR YOU

Many groups attending the For You conferences this summer have asked for a medical release form to use for the trip. Higher Things does not require a medical release form for our records of each registrant, but groups should have one on hand for each youth should an emergency arise. Here is a SAMPLE form, for your use. Groups should make adjustments to it wherever appropriate for their congregation’s liability insurance requirements, and a copy of the signed forms be available on the trip for the group leaders.


Check out what’s new on myHT!

myHT is always changing, and we’re always posting new content – and today we have three new articles for you! If you haven’t already, you should consider making myHT your favorite web browser’s start page – that way you don’t miss any of the great new content released each week on myHT!

In case you haven’t noticed, myHT has an RSS feed available for it, so you can keep track of new articles as they are posted in your favorite News Reader! In the far right corner of your web browser’s address bar you might notice an RSS button, and if you click on it you’ll see one of several of HT’s RSS feeds for myHT. The url is: so subscribe to it today!

So, go check out today’s new content and keep checking back regularly for new articles @ myHT.


Attention MN For You Instrumentalists!

Opportunities are available in the daily services at the Minneapolis FOR YOU Conference for highly competent high school musicians who play:

  • Trumpet
  • Trombone
  • Baritone
  • Violin
  • Flute

Group leaders, if your talented youth might be interested in serving in this way at the Minneapolis FOR YOU conference, please invite them to email Dr. Paul Schilf with their contact information and a brief musical background by July 1.

In Christ,


Sandra Ostapowich
Minneapolis FOR YOU Conference Coordinator


Upgraded Forum Software

Higher Things upgraded their forum software today. You’ll notice for the most part that everything stayed in tact, and that most of the features you’ve grown accustom to are still here, plus some new ones.

If you were already registered with the Higher Things Forum, your account should be waiting for you. All you need to do is use the “Lost Password” functionality to reset your password. The reason for this is because each piece of software (the old forum and the new) used their own respective algorithms for encrypting passwords and they are unique to each piece of software. This is done for increased security, which is always a good thing! Consequently, though, the new software could not copy your password over, and hence the need to reset it.

If you haven’t had a chance to explore our forum software, we strongly encourage you to do so!

We hope you enjoy the new forum, happy surfing!

P.S. myHT users keep an eye out for an up-and-coming module to keep an eye on what’s happening on the forum.