
Your Pastor Can Beat Up Our Interim IS Executive

The Rev. Mark T. Buetow, S.T.M. was recently asked to serve as the Interim Internet Service Executive for Higher Things. We are excited to welcome him to the table! 

Pr. Buetow received his Master of Divinity in 1998 but stayed at the seminary and got his Masters of Sacred Theology because he didn’t want to graduate until Pr. Borghardt did in 2000.

He served Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in New Orleans for 5-1/2 years until Hurricane Katrina huffed and puffed and blew him up to Kentucky. After a brief stint as a mediocre TV salesman, Pastor Buetow was called to Bethel Lutheran Church in Du Quoin, Illinois. (Du Quoin is in the part of Illinois that is not Chicago). He has been serving there since December of 2006. He now also serves as the Interim Executive as well as the Editor for the Higher Things daily Reflections

Pastor Buetow has been married to Susan for 13 years and they have three children, twins Naomi and Anna, and Emily. In his free time, Pastor Buetow enjoys playing strategy and board games you’ve never heard of, as well as fiddling with computer operating systems you’ve never heard of either.


New HT Conference Executive!

Higher Things welcomes the Rev. George F. Borghardt as our new Conference Executive!

Pastor Borghardt serves as Assistant/Youth Pastor at St. Mark Lutheran Church in Conroe, TX. For the last two years, he has served as the Internet Services Executive for Higher Things.  If it’s been on our website, he was watching our webmaster and programmer Stan Lemon put it there!

This past year, Pr. Borghardt served as the FOR YOU Asheville Conference Chairman. He was last seen skipping through Ridgecrest following the closing Divine Service proclaiming the FOR YOU conferences, “DONE! DONE! DONE!”

You’re not done at all, Pastor Borghardt.  We have more work for you. As Conferences Executive for Higher Things, Pr. Borghardt will be overseeing and planning for the future of all HT conferences.  To prepare for that task, he wants to hear ideas and feedback from the those who attended conferences this year and in past years. You can email him HERE.


HT Website Woes!

Having trouble viewing the website? Can’t download a file? Missing your Reflections emails? We know and we apologize!

HT recently moved it online content to a new server as well as update key internal web software. That move, while necessary for HT’s continued growth, has resulted in a number of problems across the Internet Services board. Please be patient! Our Webmaster is working day and night behind the scenes to bring back all the online joy you’ve come to know and love from Higher Things. With the Conferences this week and last week, we’re running full steam to keep things working.

Thanks for your patience and understanding as we continue to grow and expand to serve you better than ever online!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me! We should have everything straightened out soon!
Rev. Mark Buetow
HT Interim Internet Services Executive


Trinitytide Part III Reflections Now Available!

The readings and reflections of the Trinity Season continue to fill our ears with the wonderful gifts of Christ. The teachings of Jesus fill our ears, pointing us to His death and resurrection for our sins and the holy means of grace in which that forgiveness comes to us. We also meditate upon the commandments and the Lord’s Prayer in these Reflections. To download the Reflections in a printable booklet format, click here.

The main body of this season’s Reflections was written by The Rev. Gregroy Schultz, pastor of St. Peter Lutheran Church, Campbell Hill, Illinois.


yourHT: For You MN, Day Three

[The pictures FOR YOU are coming.  Return and reread this article soon!]

by Rev. Rich Heinz

It doesn’t get better than this! Harry Potter fans abound, reading and discussing their new tome. Youth (and adult leaders) continue to learn tons each day. And teens are singing liturgy and Lutheran hymns on buses because they think it is fun!

Every morning this week, check myHT for an update of the previous day’s “blog” about For You on myHT and the Higher Things main page.


Daily Matins continues to be our starting point. I can’t go on enough about the amazing worship that the Lord gives here! We are truly invigorated by Christ’s Word, and the musical responses to that Gift are of the highest caliber –and youth recognize that!

Great hymns and straightforward liturgy are sung here. And you find people walking down halls humming the Magnificat, singing “Oh Love, How Deep,” and discussing the sermons they have heard!


Today I was introduced to the attendees in the announcements that preceded the plenary catechesis. I spoke a little about myHT and encouraged use of the site, input for desired topics, and an invitation to authors.

I also was one of the staff on hand for the HT Retreats, Lock-Ins and Internet breakaway. There again, our intentions for the coming year, and an invitation to add your talent to myHT were given.

I want to interject an omission from Day One. As late as it was, I forgot to write about Pastor Todd Wilken on Tuesday. Pastor Wilken is the host of KFUO Radio’s Issues, Etc. Check out this cool Lutheran talk radio, which can be downloaded and listened to at . Issues, Etc. regularly provides quality discussion about faith and life. And Pastor WIlken has done the same for us.


A United States map has appeared near the registration desk, with the invitation to use a sharpie marker to pinpoint your hometown. Dots appear all over the nation – as well as post-it notes declaring the presence of groups from Canada, Sweden, and Australia!

This evening, about a thousand people in red T-shirts emblazoned with Christ crucified descended upon the minor league baseball park of the Saint Paul Saints. Dinner was served, and we watched a movie on the scoreboard’s screen as God decided to cool us off in the rain.

The rain stopped, however, and we enjoyed a leisurely paced game, getting more time to visit with new and old friends.


Vespers was prayed this afternoon, with Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer from Concordia Theological Seminary preaching. He gave us our quote of the day: “Sin is like manure on a baloney sandwich: it doesn’t matter if you just got a little bit on a tiny corner!”

Tonight, after the ball game was over and the park was closing, Evening Prayer was sung. There was simple beauty, with a flute to accompany our united voice, along with a soloist for a few items. Pastor Borghardt preached yet another great homily.

At the last “Amen,” we departed in peace, filing to our buses to head back to the dorms. Tonight seems to be a little more quiet, as people are simply drained from multiple late nights (mornings?)


I am absolutely thrilled to be returning to my wife and son tomorrow night! And at the same time, it will be sad knowing that I won’t see many of these friends for a year, from the crazy Bethel, DuQuoin, IL guys with their innocent antics, to our great Internet Services staff, to everyone who loved my “Vader was framed” T -shirt, to the countless volunteers that have invested thousands of “man hours” to make this conference the success that it is!

Rev. Rich Heinz is Senior Pastor of St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church & School in Lanesville, IN. He is the editor of myHT, and a first time participant and breakout speaker for a Higher Things conference.


yourHT: For You MN, Day Two

by Rev. Rich Heinz

One group praying Compline in a quiet spot on campus.Technical difficulties with posting “Day 1” kept me up, fighting with my laptop computer until 2:30 a.m. CDT. Since my body is still on Eastern Daylight Time, I had been up for 24 hours. Do I still think this is worth it? Oh, yes! Absolutely!

Every morning this week, check myHT (or the main site at for an update of the previous day’s “blog” about For You.



We began our day following breakfast with Matins. It is amazing; even after everyone had a late night, the vast majority are all gathering for services. The chapel is practically filled to capacity, including the multiple balconies. Have you ever experienced well over 1,000 people singing their hearts out for the Te Deum? A splendid gift!

Pastor Kind has an amazing voice for chanting. Kantor Resch’s upper body moves with such expression that you can “feel” the hymn as he skillfully plays the Lord’s music. And Pastor Brent Kuhlman preached an outstanding sermon on Jesus’ Baptism FOR YOU! (Watch for this to soon appear as a “Higher Homily.”)


Retreat executive Landon Reed and Pastor Borghardt -- two, no THREE thumbs up!WORK

Today was my first day of working as a catechist. What a joy! I taught two sessions of the Breakaway sectional on The Gospel in Star Wars. While George Lucas has used a syncretistic blend of many religions, we explored a number of ways to use Star Wars as a parable to remember Gospel.

The second session for Hitchiker’s Guide to the Sanctuary delved into New Testament references, and beautiful slides of church art from the first three centuries after Jesus’ ascension. The use of art to teach and correspond with Scripture, along with the intricacies of that art, is amazing! (Have you noticed I seem to be adding another pastor to my personal “pantheon” of heroes?)

I also attended Pastor Marcus Zill’s breakaway sectional on campus ministry. Practical ideas were shared as Bethel, Du Quoin, IL has had fantastic T-shirts -- and youth buying the Book of Concord and delving into theology.he taught on reaching students with the Gospel at this critical time in their lives.

Pastor Bill Cwirla began his time today as a plenary catechist. His balance of humorous moments with serious and meaty substance is a talent. He joked that someone told him on his 50th birthday that he finally reached middle age. We think the whole Church hopes that at 50, he truly has just hit “middle age,” and can teach youth for years to come.



This evening, we had “Coffman Memorial Union Night,” with dinner at the union food court, a chance to see “The Nativity Story,” and the opportunity to use the game room, Open Mic Karaoke, board games, or attend an astronomy club presentation. There was truly something for everyone.

Meeting people continues to be a highlight. I correspond via email with Sandra Ostapowich and Stan Lemon between five and ten times a week, yet this was my first chance to meet these friends and co-workers. Pastor Matt Ruesch, who has written Harry Potter articles for myHT, introduced himself, as well. I was a little nervous,It's the end of Day Two; staff and volunteers are still ready and eager to do things For You. discovering that Rachael Soyk (who wrote the myHT article on “Star Wars at 30”) attended my breakaway session.



Vespers was prayed this afternoon, with Pastor Jon Sollberger preaching. The sermons here have all been tremendous! Again, the house is packed, people are singing out, and the Gospel is gladly received. The night ended with Pastor Mark Buetow, editor of the Daily Reflections, preaching for Evening Prayer.

If you have only thought about attending a Higher Things conference, or haven’t begun to consider it, start now! I have yet to find someone here that isn’t learning. Nor have I heard anyone having a boring time. Worship, work, and play are in a blessed balance here. A balance that is completely FOR YOU!


You may wish to read Pastor Matt Ruesch’s experience of For You on his blog, The Minnesota Lutheran.  Check it out at:


Rev. Rich Heinz is Senior Pastor of St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church & School in Lanesville, IN. He is the editor of myHT, and a first time participant and breakout speaker for a Higher Things conference.


[This article is copied from Higher Things’ newest resource, myHT, “where Christian freedom meets the internet”.  Check it out!]


yourHT: For You MN, Day One

by Rev. Rich HeinzGoing to For You!

Here I am, at my first Higher Things conference! Am I crazy? I woke up at 3:15 this morning to have enough time for the TSA line after less than four hours of sleep, got on a little jet from Louisville to O’Hare, and then switched planes to get to Minneapolis. So…is it worth it? Oh, yes!

Every morning this week, check myHT (or the main site at for an update of the previous day’s “blog” about For You.



A joyous “Amen!” For You began with a so-good-you-had-chills-down-your-spine Divine Service. It was Lutheran Service Book’s Divine Service, Setting 3 (formerly known as “Page 15.”) The beauty and drama attending the Lord’s Gifts were increased by violin, woodwinds and brass instruments, as well as the Rev. Kantor Richard Resch’s masterful organ skills.

The University of Minnesota’s Ted Mann Concert Center was “Lutheranized,” transforming it into a fitting liturgical space. Green and white banners hung around the balconies. Paraments adorned the podium to dress it as a pulpit, and proper linens to cover the altar. The newest piece of art for Higher Things is a crucifix coming from the Rev. Mark Mumme. (More on this work of art in the coming days!)

Pastor David Kind, the host pastor, was both preacher and celebrant for the Divine Service, with ten other pastors assisting him. Add to all of this some 1200-1300 voices intrepidly singing, and you have some amazing thanksgiving for His Gifts – given FOR YOU!



The “work” of the conference is the catechetical sessions. There are plenaries that are attended by everyone, 3-session electives for “In-Depth” sectionals, and 45-minute electives to choose for the Breakaway sectionals.

I am attending Pastor Kind’s Hitchiker’s Guide to the Sanctuary: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly for my In-Depth. Today he spoke of Old Testament origins of art, God’s prohibition of graven images made for worshiping, and God’s very specific design for the Tabernacle and Temple.

Pastor George Borghardt and Sandra Ostapowich led Youth Ministry 101: Youth Ministry for Dummies (like us). Landon Reed, Higher Things’ Retreat Executive added his experience as well. Among other things, some myths about youth were debunked, such as: 1.) Youth don’t want to study the Word of God, 2.) Youth are ignorant, 3.) Youth don’t want substance, 4.) Youth only want “contemporary Christian music,” and 5.) Youth don’t want structure. Much Bible study is the key to truly Lutheran youth work, in addition to scheduled recreation – not “fun” activities with a little devotion tacked on. (We’re back to the adage of not mingling worship, work and play.)



Meeting youth, leaders, and pastors from all across the country is an amazing thing. Already today, I know I’ve met someone from Pennsylvania and another from Albuquerque. My kind chauffer from the airport is a Concordia, St. Paul student from Fargo, ND.

Pastor Mark Buetow’s fun crowd from Bethel, Du Quoin, IL have taught me a new hand greeting, that will soon be all the rage!()

More is planned, such as special arrangements in the student union, and a Saint Paul Saints game.


For You MN worshipWORSHIP

As the day began with worship, so it ends. Evening Prayer is a gem from Lutheran Service Book, and what a cool service to experience with this entourage! Pastor Kind officiated, chanting beautifully, and indeed, our prayers rose before God as incense! Pastor Marcus Zill preached on the incredible, almighty, so-holy-you-can’t-see-Him-and-live God, entering our flesh FOR YOU!

Private confession and absolution is available to those who desire thisgift! And, an order of Compline is available for use in the dorms.

Although I have watched Higher Things with admiration for some time, I am finally a participant, and blessed to be on staff! I am going to bed well after midnight, thanking God for allowing me the gift of being here! What a joy to join my “Amen” with those of the youth and adults gathered here with me, being reminded that Christ does this all FOR YOU!


Rev. Rich Heinz is Senior Pastor of St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church & School in Lanesville, IN.  He is the editor of myHT, and a first time participant and breakout speaker for a Higher Things conference.

[This article is copied from Higher Things’ newest resource, myHT, “where Christian freedom meets the internet”.  Check it out!]


12 Days Until FOR YOU Asheville!!!!

Dear Group Leaders,

With just TWELVE DAYS TO GO before the Asheville Higher Things FOR YOU Conferences, we are being swamped with a number of similar questions.  This email should answer most of those questions FOR YOU.  Group leaders should make sure all the adults with their group are familiar with this information before leaving for Asheville.  

We’re really getting excited to see everyone next week and want to make everything run as smoothly as possible.  If you have additional questions, please check the conference website.  A lot of information has recently been added in the options in the left-hand column!

In Christ,

Pr. George Borghardt
2007 Asheville FOR YOU Conference Coordinator

For directions to Ridgecrest, click HERE.

HERE is a campus map of the Ridgecrest Conference Center in case you do!

There is both bus and car parking at the Ridgecrest site.

No more than two adults per group should check-in at conference Registration. Registration check-in is located in Pritchell Hall. When you pull into Ridgecrest, you’ll see a giant white building with pillars. It’ll say, “Ridgecrest” – that’s Pritchell hall! That’s where you go to register your groups! After checking in with the Conference Registrar, you will verify your group’s housing assignment and receive room keys. You will also be given your group’s conference handbooks, meal cards, T-shirts and any further information.

Housing assignments have been sent out.  If you have not received the assignments for your group, please contact

Regular check-in hours will take place on Monday, July 30 between 1:00 and 6:00 p.m.  If your group (or a designated leader) cannot arrive between those hours on Monday, you will need to notify the Registrar to make arrangements for your group to check in.  Regular Registration will open again on Tuesday morning at 8:00 a.m.  Unless prior arrangements have been made, groups should not expect to check-in before 8:00 a.m.

Now that registrations are finalized, we will be assigning groups to either the RED or BLUE groups.  This division is primarily to accommodate the large number of people we have for meals and some catechesis sessions.  Congregational groups will be kept together in the RED and BLUE groups.  Don’t worry, there will be plenty of opportunities for the RED and BLUE groups to do things together!  You will find out which group you are in when you check in.

For the sanity of our Registrar and Housing Manager, we have frozen the user side of the online registration.  ALL registration and housing changes from this point forward must go directly through them.  Email or if you have any registration or housing changes that need to be made.

Internet access is available in a number of areas on the Ridgecrest campus.  The specific locations are listed in your conference book.

PLEASE DO NOT SEND CHECKS OR FORMS BY MAIL – At this late date, they will not arrive in time!!  Please notify the Registrar and bring them to Asheville with you.

Some congregations like to incorporate special sending or travel prayers before their youth leave for the conference.  Our conference Chaplains have provided some prayers for you to use HERE.  Our conference’s hymn is “O Love, How Deep” (LSB #544) if you’d like to use that in your services as well.

Appropriate clothing (please dress modestly; also, some people like to dress up for the Divine Services), light jacket or sweater, comfortable shoes for walking, catechism, Bible, notebook, pen, camera, snacks, umbrella, bug spray, sunscreen, a flashlight, and spending money.  I strongly suggest:  WATER, WATER, and MORE WATER.

Lodging at FOR YOU is generally dormitory style. Linens (sheets, blanket, pillow, towel and washcloth) are provided. Rooms are normally NOT equipped with items such as soap, shampoo, cups, blowdryers, refrigerators, phones, televisions, microwaves, alarm clocks, or hot tubs.

All meals in the cafeteria during the conference are included in your registration fee. If you come a day early or stay a date late, two meals (supper/breakfast) on campus are included in that fee as well.  There is a pizza and ice cream shop on site for those who want a late night snack.

Next week, our staff will be at FOR YOU in Minneapolis!  We will be pretty focused on what’s going on up there, but we will get to your questions as fast as we can.  Please be patient – especially on Monday and Tuesday (8/23-24).  There is a pretty comprehensive FOR YOU FAQ on the web page.  Check it out! 

I am looking forward to seeing y’all in Asheville in twelve days!!

In Christ,

Pr. George Borghardt
2007 Asheville FOR YOU Conference Coordinator


Minneapolis FOR YOU Announcements

With just ONE WEEK TO GO (!!!) before the first of the 2007 Higher Things FOR YOU Conferences, we are being swamped with a number of similar questions.  This information should answer most of those questions FOR YOU.  Group leaders should make sure all the adults with their group are familiar with this information before leaving for Minneapolis.  

We’re really getting excited to see everyone next week and want to make everything run as smoothly as possible.  If you have additional questions, please check the conference website.  A lot of information has recently been added in the options in the left-hand column!

In Christ,

Sandra Ostapowich
2007 Minneapolis FOR YOU Conference Coordinator

Upon arrival in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota area, please make your way to Middlebrook Hall at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis campus, just east of downtown Minneapolis. The Minnesota travel information page of the conference website lists modes of transportation into and within the metro area and provides directions to campus. Many of you may want to print out the Minneapolis campus map to aid you, especially with parking below until you receive your conference workbook.

Light Rail/MetroTransit
Groups flying into the airport and taking light rail to campus can follow the instructions on the conference website.  You will arrive on campus at the Wiley Hall bus stop and should proceed across the courtyard to Middlebrook Hall.

Those arriving by car should take Riverside Avenue to 22nd Avenue and approach the Middlebrook entrance on the South side. There is a drop-off zone right in front of the building for cars only. 

Drivers must get a temporary parking permit from the parking attendant standing outside Middlebrook Hall so that you can park in the parking lot near the building (Lot #C-95) during registration. Your temporary permit allows you to park in this lot for up to 30 minutes. Higher Things has received permission for our guests to park in this lot during the designated registration hours on Monday and Tuesday only.

Groups arriving via bus should come up Riverside Avenue and turn north onto 21st Avenue, and then right onto 4th Street South. Turn into the parking lot on the north side of Middlebrook Hall. Leaders registering for their group should follow the sidewalk from the bus lot towards the foot-bridge to Middlebrook and around to the South side of the building to enter the registration area.

Bus drivers must get a temporary parking permit from the parking attendant standing outside Middlebrook Hall who will give instructions on where to park near Middlebrook while the group’s leaders are registering. Your permit will be good for 30 minutes and drivers should stay with the bus. Higher Things has received permission to park in this lot during the designated registration times on Monday and Tuesday only. 

Check-in registration will take place at Middlebrook Hall.  Click HERE for a map showing its location and to get driving directions.

HERE is a map of the entire University of Minnesota’s Minneapolis campus.  HERE is a close-up of Middlebrook Hall on that map.  Most conference attendees (about 2/3) will be housed here.  The remaining 1/3 will be staying in Centennial Hall, seen HERE.

Worship at the conference will take place in Ted Mann Concert Hall, across the street from Middlebrook Hall.

Plenary sessions will be in Willey Hall, and catechesis sessions will be in Anderson Hall and Blegen Hall.  And on Wednesday night, July 25, we will be taking over Coffman Memorial Union, seen HERE.

Higher Things has reserved on-campus parking passes for those groups who have registered for them. Groups who have not registered for parking passes will need to find their own parking spaces and abide by campus parking regulations. Spaces may be available in the hourly- and daily-rate parking decks at the current rates. Campus parking is at a premium and there are limited spaces in each facility, even during the summer. The University police strictly enforce meters and parking rules.

At Registration/Check-In, there where be an area where groups who ordered them will receive a permit or keycard for your designated parking area and a map indicating its location. You are only allowed to park in the lot designated FOR YOU by  your permit. If by chance your designated lot is full, please contact Parking and Transportation Services at 612-626-7275 (7am-5pm M-F) for further instruction, and let them know you are with the Higher Things conference. 

No more than two adults per group should go through the check-in process in Middlebrook Hall. Registration Check-In is located in Middlebrook at the eastern end of the long hallway on the  south entrance (follow the signs – you won’t be able to miss it). After checking in with the Conference Registrar, you will verify your group’s housing assignment, receive parking passes and instructions. You will also be given your group’s conference handbooks, meal cards, T-shirts and any further information. Room keys will be distributed at the residence hall reception desks once you have been checked in with the Registrar.

Regular check-in hours will take place on Monday, July 23 between 1:00 and 6:00 p.m.  If your group (or a designated leader) cannot arrive between those hours on Monday, you will need to notify the Registrar to make arrangements for your group to check in.  Regular Registration will open again on Tuesday morning at 8:00 a.m.  Unless prior arrangements have been made, groups should not expect to check-in before 8:00 a.m.

Now that registrations are finalized, we will be assigning groups to either the RED or BLUE groups.  This division is primarily to accommodate the large number of people we have for meals and some catechesis sessions.  Congregational groups will be kept together in the RED and BLUE groups.  Don’t worry, there will be plenty of opportunities for the RED and BLUE groups to do things together!  You will find out which group you are in when you check in.

For the sanity of our Registrar and Housing Manager, we have frozen the user side of the online registration.  ALL registration and housing changes from this point forward must go directly through them.  Email or if you have any registration or housing changes that need to be made.

Internet access is not available on the UMN campus.  There are a few spots of free public access on or near the campus, but registrants will not have internet access in their residence halls or in the computer labs.

PLEASE DO NOT SEND CHECKS OR FORMS BY MAIL – At this late date, they will not arrive in time!!  Please notify the Registrar and bring them to Minneapolis with you.

Some congregations like to incorporate special sending or travel prayers before their youth leave for the conference.  Our conference Chaplains have provided some prayers for you to use HERE.  Our conference’s hymn is “O Love, How Deep” (LSB #544) if you’d like to use that in your services as well.

Appropriate clothing (please dress modestly; also, some people like to dress up for the Divine Services), light jacket or sweater, comfortable shoes for walking, catechism, Bible, notebook, pen, camera, snacks, umbrella (both locations are known to have sudden downpours in the summer), spending money.

Lodging at FOR YOU is dormitory style. Linens (sheets, blanket, pillow, towel and washcloth) are provided. Rooms are generally NOT equipped with items such as soap, shampoo, cups, blowdryers, refrigerators, phones, televisions, microwaves, alarm clocks, or hot tubs.

All meals during the conference are included in your registration fee. If you come a day early or stay a date late, two meals (supper/breakfast) on campus are included in that fee as well.

These and many other questions are answered on the FOR YOU FAQ page!


Congratulations Jason & Lynea!

It is with great joy that I get to inform you that Jason Sander and Lynea Theiss entered the estate of Holy Matrimony on July 7th at 4:00pm during the Office of Vespers celebrating at St. Mark Lutheran Church in beautiful Conroe, TX. Lynea helps out with Internet Services and keeps the bytes moving by helping with content and other various tasks. Jason is one of Pastor Borghardt’s youth group assistants, and an all around stand-up guy. These two love-birds are rumored to have met at a Higher Things related workshop up in Texas. Be sure to extend your own greetings to this lovely couple this summer at “For You” in North Carolina.

Congratulations to Jason and Lynea Sander from all of us at Higher Things!