
Join a special group!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We would like to invite you to join a special email circle.  It is called “Friends of HT”.  Through this email list you will become engaged with the work and mission of Higher Things: “to promote and cultivate a Lutheran identity among youth.” By joining this list you will receive monthly updates, the quarterly newsletter electronically, chances to subscribe to the magazine (and maybe even win a one year subscription!), fund raising, articles on our supportive donors and congregations, and “spotlight” articles on some of the youth involved with Higher Things.  We hope you will consider joining this list and further supporting Higher Things.  To join, please send a blank email to

In Christ,
Erika Gehrke


Advent and Christmas 2007 Reflections Available!

The Season of Advent gives us the promise of the Christ whose arrival we celebrate at Christmas as well as His Second Coming on the Last Day. Pastor Brad Drew of Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, Metairie (New Orleans), Louisiana writes the Reflections for these two seasons. He reminds us that as we celebrate Christ’s First Advent and await his Last Day Advent, we rejoice to receive Jesus already here and now in the holy gifts that He gives us in His Church.

Click here to download the Advent & Christmas Reflections in a reproducible booklet.


HT Lock-In This Weekend – North Dakota POSTPONED

This Lock-In has been POSTPONED due to sporting conflicts and will be rescheduled for the spring. I’ve left the contact info here for any questions. Go Teams!~FL1

Preconference Lock-In
:                Messiah Lutheran Church, Mandan, ND
:                        Free
:                 TBA
:                  Pastor Baneck
Contact Phone:     
Contact Email:



Amen Conference Plenaries Announced!

I’m pleased to announce that the Rev. George Borghardt and the Rev. Mark Buetow will be the plenary speakers at all three Amen conferences this summer!

The Rev. George F. Borghardt III is the Assistant/Youth Pastor at St. Mark Lutheran Church in Conroe, TX. He graduated Louisiana State University with a degree in Classics and took five years to do it so that he could graduate from the Concordia Seminary with Pastor Buetow.  Pastor Borghardt and Amy, his wife of eleven years, have three children: George, Thomas, and Sophia.  Pastor Borghardt hates clowns, loves the Mets and is rumored to never sleep due to the amazing powers of Diet Coke.  He was the Coordinator of the 2007 FOR YOU Conference in Asheville, NC and was recently appointed to serve as the Conference Executive of Higher Things.

The Rev. Mark T. Buetow, S.T.M. received his Master of Divinity in 1998 but stayed at the seminary to get his Masters of Sacred Theology because he didn’t want to graduate until Pastor Borghardt did in 2000.  He served Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in New Orleans for 5-1/2 years until Hurricane Katrina huffed and puffed and blew him up to Kentucky. After a brief stint as a mediocre TV salesman, Pastor Buetow was called to Bethel Lutheran Church in Du Quoin, Illinois.  (Du Quoin is in the part of Illinois that is not Chicago).  He has been serving there since December of 2006.  Pastor Buetow has been married to Susan for 13 years and they have three children, twins Naomi and Anna and Emily.  Pastor Buetow is the Editor of the Reflections and serves as the Interim Internet Services Executive for Higher Things.  In his free time, Pastor Buetow enjoys playing strategy and boardgames you’ve never heard of as well as fiddling with computer operating systems you’ve never heard of.

I’m confident that both will proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in their plenaries and its fruit in the life of vocation.

For more information about the three Amen conferences in the Poconos, St. Louis and Irvine, visit our website at  Registration has already begun!

In Christ,

The Rev. Brent Kuhlman
2008 Conference Catechesis Coordinator
Board of Directors
Higher Things, Inc.


November Retreats/Lock-Ins

Here are the Retreats and Lock-Ins coming up this month:

Birthday Party for Martin Luther – November 9-10 (7:00pm-8:30am)

Location: Trinity Lutheran Church, Miles City, MT
Cost: $5 per participant
Speaker: Rev. David Warner, Trinity Lutheran Church
Contact: Shelee Warner
Contact Phone: (406) 488-7139
Contact email:

Worship: What’s That? – HT Junior High Retreat (5th – 8th Grade) – November 10, 2007

Topic: Worship: What’s That?
Location: Zion Lutheran Church / Storm Lake, Iowa
Cost: $10 per participant
Speaker: Rev. John Sollberger, Pastor at St. Peter & Paul Lutheran Church Orchard, NE
Contact: Rev. Steve Schultz
Contact Phone: (712) 732-5005
Contact Email:

Preconference Lock-In – November 16-17 (7:00pm – 7:00am)

Location: Messiah Lutheran Church, Mandan, ND
Cost: Free
Speaker: TBA
Contact: Pastor Baneck>
Contact Phone: 701-663-8545
Contact Email:

If you’re in the area, hope you can make it to one of these great events.



Res superiora trement!

Know what that means? No? Well, you’ll just have to check out the newest issue of Higher Things for the translation and to learn other cool Latin lingo. The Fall 2007 issue is hot off the presses and jam-packed with goodies. In this issue, you will:

  • be let in on the Secret,
  • learn what church architecture and Arrowhead Stadium have in common,
  • discover why image is everything,
  • unravel the mystery of closed Communion,
  • find out how to make the most of your Christian freedom,
  • get information on next year’s Amen conferences.

Plus: An HT FOR YOU Conference Photo Extravaganza!


Amen 2008 Registration Now Open!!

I am very excited to announce that registration for Amen 2008 is officially OPEN!!  Groups may now register for all three of this summer’s Amen conferences.  Registration will remain open until March 1, 2008 or until each conference reaches its maximum capacity, whichever happens first.

Amen – Poconos
University of Scranton
Scranton, PA
June 24-27, 2008
Cost:  $300/person
Capacity:  1,200

Amen – St. Louis
St. Louis University
St. Louis, MO
July 1-4, 2008
Cost:  $325/person
Capacity:  1,100

Amen – Irvine
Concordia University – Irvine
Irvine, CA
July 15-18, 2008
Cost:  $350/person
Capacity: 500

For the last two years, Higher Things conferences have reached capacity weeks before Registration was scheduled to close!  If you want to ensure your group’s spots at a HT conference in 2008, register as soon as you can, and register online at  Online registration is easy and is processed far faster than the U.S. Mail can deliver your paper forms.  You can even opt to pay your deposit online using PayPal for even faster processing.  To download forms and get detailed instructions for registration, visit our website at

Remember, one of the reasons that Higher Things is having a conference in California is to provide an opportunity for those Lutheran youth who have had a very difficult time traveling to attend conferences in the mid-west or the east coast. So, the first 300 spots at Concordia-Irvine will be reserved for groups located from the Rocky Mountains westward, and the remaining spots will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. We recommend that those of you who would not qualify for the preferential registration register for your second choice conference and request to be placed on the waiting list for Irvine. If a spot for your group becomes available you can transfer your registration up until April 1, 2008.

Conference posters have been sent to every congregation in the LCMS.  If you’d like additional copies, email  A downloadable PDF flier of the poster is also available at

Still have some questions about the conferences?  Check out the Frequently Asked Questions at our website.  We look forward to seeing you at one of the three locations for the Amen 2008 conferences this summer!

In Christ, Amen.

Sandra Ostapowich
2008 Conference Coordinator
Secretary, Board of Directors
Higher Things, Inc.


Trinity Part V Reflections Available!

The Church Year wraps up in the hope and expectation of our Lord’s Second Coming. As we live in anticipation of our Lord’s return, the Daily Reflections call us to be alert and watchful through faith and trust in Christ as we live our lives receiving His gifts in the Church and living lives of service to our neighbor. The Reflections for the End of the Church Year were written by Pastor John Drosendahl, Peace Lutheran Church, Goldsboro, North Carolina.

You can download the Daily Reflections in a printable booklet format here.


Amen Registration Opens November 1!

There’s just over one week to go before you can register for the 2008 Higher Things conferences! Amen 2008 Registration opens on November 1, 2007 and runs through March 1, 2008 – or until each conference fills! Since 2006, conferences have reached capacity weeks before Registration was scheduled to close. Get your groups ready now – with three conferences next summer, there’s sure to be one you can attend!

Want to learn about Amen 2008? Visit our website at! There, you’ll find all sorts of good stuff:

  • Basic information about the THREE Conferences next summer!
  • What does that “Amen” theme mean anyway?
  • Other Frequently Asked Questions
  • Who will be the main Catechesis speakers? (coming soon!)
  • Registration Information/Instructions
  • Download a Printable Flier

Come to one of the Amen conferences to spend four days immersed in the Gospel of Christ’s death for us and faith’s response of “Amen.” Four days worshiping, learning and having fun with thousands of other Lutheran youth just like you – daring to be Lutheran together!

In Christ,

Sandra Ostapowich
2008 Conference Coordinator
Higher Things, Inc.


HT Retreats Correction (UPDATED 10-27)

Click here for a larger .pdfI’ve made some corrections to the retreats listing, most prominently the Storm Lake, Iowa Retreat will be held at Zion Lutheran Church, rather than Grace. 

Also, the contact for the “Be Mine” Retreat in Estes Park, CO, is Kellee Zweifel, and her name and email are now correctly spelled.

[UPDATED]: The contact email for Storm Lake, IA has been changed to . Please use this address and not the one on the attached .pdf or in the upcoming magazine issue.

If you have any other corrections, send them my way and I will fix them asap.

~Valete, FL1