
Higher Things Reception

Please join us!

Traveling to Fort Wayne for Concordia Theological Seminary’s
Symposia?  Then please join Higher Things for a Reception Tuesday, January 15
Goeglein’s Walnut Room
7311 Maysville Road
7:00 – 10:00 pm
with a short presentation at 8:00.
Food, drinks, fun and fellowship.  Come learn more about the work and mission of Higher Things.
For more information or directions, please contact Erika Gehrke at


Beat the January rush!

January has historically been the busiest time for Higher Things conference registrations.  Last year, the Minneapolis “For You” conference filled up before January 15.  In 2006, “The Feast” was full with over 100 people on the waiting list by the first week of February. 

There’s still room at all THREE locations of the 2008 “Amen” conferences, but it’s best to get your registrations in sooner rather than later!  Once the registrations start coming, they come quickly.

For the first time, Higher Things is having its annual Lutheran youth conference in three locations, at campuses on both the east and west coasts of the United States and smack-dab in the middle (well, close enough anyway!).  Whether your group wants to explore the historic Poconos of Pennsylvania from June 24-27 or take in the fireworks and fun in St. Louis from July 1-4 or catch a few rays at the beach and visit a reknown Lutheran college in sunny Irvine, California from July 15-18, we’ve got a conference for you!

All sorts of other information about the 2008 “Amen” conferences, and Higher Things conferences in general, is available at our website

Still have questions? Email or call 1-888-HTCONF08.

In Christ,

Sandra Ostapowich
2008 “Amen” Conference Coordinator
Higher Things, Inc.


There’s still room!

There’s still room if you would like to attend the Watermarked retreat in Wisconson: Registration Form Here


Epiphany and Pre-Lent 2008 Reflections Now Available!

A remarkably short Epiphany season fills our ears with the glory of Christ the Savior shown forth for all nations even as He takes upon Himself our sins in the Jordan River. The Reflections for Pre-Lent  draw our attention to the suffering of Jesus for our sins, and the delivery of His forgiveness in His Word, water, body and blood. Epiphanytide Reflections are by the Rev. Mark Buetow, Du Quoin, Illinois. Pre-Lent Reflections are by the Rev. Todd Jerabek, Embarass, Wisconsin. You can download the Reflections in a printable booklet format HERE.


Registration Forms for “Be Mine”

Group forms (need one per group)

Individual forms (needed for each participant in each group)


Upcoming Retreats January/February



Just in case you need a last minute gift for that Uber Lutheran Kid in your life 😀

Merry Christmas!



Upcoming Retreats January/February



Just in case you need a last minute gift for that Uber Lutheran Kid in your life 😀

Merry Christmas!



Upcoming Lock-In in MO (February)

Here is the next HT Lock-in on the docket. If you are interested in holding an HT lock-in, please let us know! We’d be happy to help you get started, line it out, and advertise, and anything else you might need. please contact myself ( or Landon Reed ( and we’ll help get you on your way!

For those of you in Missouri Area, here’s a Lock-in you might check out for worship, play, and friend-making/networking:

The Liturgy
February 1-2, 2008 (7pm – 7am)
Trinity Lutheran Church
Feistatt, MO
Speaker: Rev. Bruce Keseman
Contact: Stan Hansen
W(417) 847-0012
H: (417) 476-5066

More Lock-in information to come as we get it!

Merry Christmas!



Upcoming Lock-In in MO (February)

Here is the next HT Lock-in on the docket. If you are interested in holding an HT lock-in, please let us know! We’d be happy to help you get started, line it out, and advertise, and anything else you might need. please contact myself ( or Landon Reed ( and we’ll help get you on your way!

For those of you in Missouri Area, here’s a Lock-in you might check out for worship, play, and friend-making/networking:

The Liturgy
February 1-2, 2008 (7pm – 7am)
Trinity Lutheran Church
Feistatt, MO
Speaker: Rev. Bruce Keseman
Contact: Stan Hansen
W(417) 847-0012
H: (417) 476-5066

More Lock-in information to come as we get it!

Merry Christmas!



Christ on Campus: From Boston to Boulder

Dear everyone,

I am pleased to announce that we have recently added two new Christ on Campus Chapters, bringing the Christ on Campus Chapter network to twenty-eight. And just in time for Christmas too!

The newest Christ on Campus Chapters are:

  • First Lutheran Church, Boston, MA
    (Boston College, Boston University, Emerson College, Harvard, Lesley, MIT, Northeastern University, Suffolk University, Tufts University, UMass-Boston, Wheelock College and many more!)
  • University Lutheran Chapel, Boulder, CO
    (University of Colorado)

The interest in the Christ on Campus network and our Chapter program continues to grow daily. To learn more about the Christ on Campus Chapter program and see the full listing of Chapters go to:

Rev. Marcus Zill, Executive
Higher Things, Christ on Campus
“Confessing Christ on Campus Since 1517′