
Conference Math

With just nine days remaining in the regular registration period, two-thirds of the 2008 Higher Things conferences are more than fifty-percent to capacity! Both the Amen – St. Louis and Amen – Irvine conferences are half full.

There’s still room at all three conferences, but more and more groups are registering each day! Register your group now!

Please call 1-888-HTCONF08 or email with any questions.


What’s Next? Higher Things, Of Course!

What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, as the Lord assigned to each. (1 Corinthians 3:5).

The members of the Corinthian congregation were prone to play favorites. “I belong to Paul; I belong to Cephas; I belong to Apollos.” We all do that, at least, the old Adam in us does – we put our faith, hope, and trust in persons other than the Person of Jesus Christ. “Trust not in princes, in mortal men who cannot save.” That’s sound advice in all aspects of life.

The test of any organization is its ability to transcend the persons and personalities who comprise it. That’s especially true for church organizations whose center and focus is the Person of Jesus and the Gospel of salvation in His name. We are nothing more than instruments and servants of the One who came to serve. Each of us has his or her own place, “as the Lord assigned to each.”

Higher Things is growing up into full maturity as an organization. What began as a small group of pastors with a zeal for youth has blossomed into a vast grassroots network of dedicated pastors, youth workers, and countless volunteers. We have a great magazine, a terrific web site, and three conferences that will potentially involve over 2000 youth. All of this eight short years!

We have been expertly guided by Pr. Klemet Preus as our president. He brought his name and reputation, his formidable pastoral and administrative skills, and his unflagging passion for youth to the task of guiding Higher Things through the difficult transition from an entrepreneurial “garage shop” to a vigorous organization that is able to stand on its own feet. At this juncture, Pr. Preus wants to turn his energies to new ventures and challenges, and we respect him for that. He recognizes, as we all do, that any organization that is dependent on one person is a house of cards ready to topple.

Great things are going on at Higher Things. We have three conferences this year – Scranton, St. Louis, and, for the first time in our history, on a Concordia campus at Concordia-Irvine. Our magazine is as edgy and informative as ever. Our newly remodeled web site is arguably the finest youth oriented web site on the internet. Higher Things regional retreats and local lock-ins are popping up faster than dandelions on your front lawn. We have a whole network of Christ on Campus ministries that offer the same liturgical, theological, and apologetic resources for our college students. All of this happens because of countless scores of dedicated people who freely give of themselves to challenge our youth and one another to “dare to be Lutheran.”

One of the great things about Higher Things is that we are not celebrity-driven, as so much of pop Christianity seems to be today. We don’t hire “dynamic” celebrity speakers or bring in big-name recording artists. Instead we use our own parish pastors, college professors, and parish musicians. We do this because we actually believe that God works through humble and ordinary means and that the Gospel of Jesus does not need a boost from our own ego and celebrity. As its mission statement indicates, Higher Things wants to be nothing more than a servant of the churches, “to assist parents, congregations, and pastors in cultivating and promoting a Lutheran identity among youth.”

The names and faces of Higher Things will change over the years, as they should. Each group of youth will graduate and grow beyond Higher Things, but hopefully not outgrow what they have learned and experienced in their time with us. However, the most important thing always remains the same: “Jesus Christ is the same – yesterday, today, and forever.”


Announcement from the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Higher Things has officially received and accepted a letter of resignation from its president, the Rev. Klemet Preus, effective February 18, 2008. In his letter to the Board, Pr. Preus indicated his intention to resign as president in order to pursue other pastoral and personal goals.

Pr. Preus has been instrumental in the development and maturation of Higher Things as a unique confessional and liturgical Lutheran youth organization. He has served faithfully as Higher Things’ president since 2002, all the while exhorting us to “worship, work, and play” and know the difference among them.

While no longer serving as the public face of Higher Things, Pr. Preus still promises to be visible at Higher Things’ conferences in the pulpit and the classroom doing what he does best: preaching, teaching, and admonishing us to “Dare to be Lutheran.”

We are thankful to God and deeply grateful to Pr. Preus for his devoted years of pastoral guidance and Gospel-oriented leadership, and we pray our Lord’s grace and every blessing on his new endeavors.

Until a new president can be named by the Board of Directors, the duties of the office of president will be assumed by Higher Things’ vice-president, the Rev. William M. Cwirla.

Board of Directors
Higher Things, Inc.


Registration Open for Sixth Annual Christ on Campus Staff Conference

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the Sixth Annual Christ on Campus Staff Conference to be held this coming May 28-30, 2008 at First Lutheran Church in Knoxville, TN.

Registration is $75. Those who register before April 20, 2008 will receive an early registration rate of $65. ONCE AGAIN, SEMINARIANS ARE FREE!

Detailed information and online registration and are available at:

This is the sixth annual Higher Things conference for those engaged in campus ministry. Whether you are already doing campus ministry or are just getting started; whether you are a full- or part-time campus pastor, a town and gown pastor, a DCE, a DCO, or an interested layperson, this conference is for you.

Speakers include:

Rev. Dr. Albert Collver, III
“Human Experience; Divine Origins”

Dr. Collver is the Executive Pastoral Assistant for LCMS World Relief and Human Care in St. Louis, MO.

Dr. Adam Francisco
“The Rise of Islam on Campus” and “The New Atheism and Agnosticism”

Dr. Francisco is Guest Professor of Historical Theology at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN.

In addition to listening to great speakers and learning campus ministry basics, there will be lots of opportunities to share ideas and resources with others at the forefront of campus ministry. And, of course, there will be plenty of chances to socialize and simply get to know others with whom you will be able to network long after you have returned home. All this, plus the beautiful backdrop of the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains!

Engaged in campus ministry? Want to be?

We look forward to seeing you in Knoxville!

Rev. Marcus T. Zill
Christ on Campus Executive


Happy St. Valentine’s Day!

Have you visited the new Amen 2008 website yet? Go to and check it out!

No doubt you’ve got all sorts of questions about the conferences by now. We’ve (hopefully) anticipated a lot of them with our FAQ page about the Amen 2008 conferences. If you still have questions after perusing this list, feel free to contact us at

With just over two weeks left during the regular Registration period, things are really starting to get busy. Our Registration-o-Meter has practically begun to spin in the last few days!

We have met the preferential registration numbers for the Amen – Irvine conference, so I’m pleased to announce that everyone is welcome to register for that conference now!

And fortunately for everyone registering at the last minute, it’s also Leap Year. This means you have one entire extra day to get your Registrations completed…and there is still room at all three Amen conferences in the Poconos, St. Louis, and California. Remember that registrations are not considered completed until your group’s deposit is received by Higher Things. Register online today and pay your deposit with a credit card through PayPal for the fastest processing of your group’s registration.

I look forward to seeing you all this summer!

In Christ,

Sandra Ostapowich
2008 Amen Conference Coordinator
Higher Things, Inc.


Back By Popular Demand: The Hole Retreat

The Hole Retreat
(Yellowstone National Park)
June 19- 21 (22 option), 2008

Topic: Medicine of Immortality

Redeemer Lutheran Church
175 N. Willow Jackson Hole, WY 83001

Cost: $110.00 (add $ 10.00 if participant would like a Retreat T-Shirt)

Speaker: Rev. Brent Kuhlman

For more information contact Pastor David Bott (307) 733-3409 (church) or (307) 690-8697 (cell) or email:

Group Registration Forms | Individual Registration Forms



One Month to Go!

You’ve dreamed, you’ve planned, you’ve met, you’ve gotten excited – now it’s time to get those registrations completed!  The registration period for the 2008 Higher Things “Amen” conferences closes on March 1, 2008.

It’s just over one more month to go before Registration closes for the 2008 Amen conferences. Even if you’re just now giving the conference serious consideration, that’s still practically eons to get organized in youth-ministry-time! And you even have one extra day with February 29 this year!

There’s plenty of room at all three conferences in Scranton, St. Louis and Irvine – but you only have until March 1, 2008 to get your groups registered. For more information, check out our website at, email us at, or call us toll free at 1-800-HT-CONF08 today!


2008 Lenten Reflections Now Available!

The Holy Season of Lent is just around the corner. The Higher Things Daily Reflections for Lent point us away from ourselves to Jesus who did all things and suffered all things to save us. The Reflections remind us that this salvation is not just something that happened a long time ago. It is given, delivered and bestowed in the holy means of grace. This year’s Lenten Reflections are written by the Rev. Mark Buetow, Bethel Lutheran Church, Du Quoin, Illinois and Higher Things’ own Internet Services Executive.

To download the Lenten Reflections in a printable booklet format, click here.


More Info On “Be Mine”

More information of the “Be Mine” Retreat available here

  • Tentative Schedule
  • Catechetical Topics
  • Free Time Options
  • … and more!

Higher Things Winter Issue Released


See the Winter issue of Higher Things for details.*

Feeling some post-Christmas blahs? Well, cheer up! The Winter issue of Higher Things is now available. And have we got some great articles for you. This issue covers:

  • The rules of dating
  • Life in a broken home
  • Geek chic
  • Forgiving the unforgivable
  • Why your parents really aren’t clueless
  • Islam 101
  • …Plus, much more!

*Gifts of the Holy Spirit are free; cool gear from Higher Things, sadly, is not. Visit the Higher Things eBay Store and unload some of the Christmas cash that is burning a hole in your pocket.