
Upcoming Retreats

More details for Not Ashamed available at and

More info on Amazing Race available

PRE-REGISTRATION FOR NOT ASHAMED ENDS APRIL 4TH!! Sign up before the price rease!!

Group registration form

Individual registration form



Upcoming Retreats

More details for Not Ashamed available at and

More info on Amazing Race available

PRE-REGISTRATION FOR NOT ASHAMED ENDS APRIL 4TH!! Sign up before the price rease!!

Group registration form

Individual registration form



Issues, Etc? Yeah, We Got That!

Many were saddened to hear that Issues, Etc. is no longer being broadcast. Never fear: we continue to maintain our archive of Issues Etc audio files, still  streaming and podcasting the interviews of your favorite HT  writers and teachers from your favorite Lutheran Radio Program.  Just head over to our media page to listen!

Passiontide blessings in Christ,

Rev. Mark Buetow
Internet Services Executive
Higher Things, Inc.

P.S.We miss you Todd and Jeff!


Easter 2008 Reflections Available!

The Daily Reflections for the Easter Season are now available. These seven weeks of Reflections on the readings of the Easter Season, Catechism and Daily Lectionary are written by the Rev. Greg Schultz, pastor of St. Peter Lutheran Church, Campbell Hill, Illinois. Pastor Schultz takes us through the joy-filled weeks of the Easter Season by pointing us over and over again to all that Jesus has done for us and still gives to us in His Gospel and Sacraments. You can download the Easter Reflections in a printable booklet format here.


Spring Christ on Campus Retreats

Are you college students getting a little stir crazy? We’ve had three Christ on Campus Retreats so far this Spring with great speakers and themes and there are still three more on the way!

Learn more about the great upcoming Christ on Campus College Retreats slated for this April in Laramie, WY, Angola, NY and Palo Alto, CA!

Many more College Retreats are also being planned already for this coming Fall. If your Christ on Campus Chapter is interested in hosting a retreat please contact me. We’d love to work with you!

Rev. Marcus Zill, Executive
Higher Things, Christ on Campus

“Confessing Christ on Campus Since 1517”


Development in Development

Higher Things is undertaking a renovation of its development strategy for fund raising and congregational outreach.  Higher Things appreciates and depends on the ongoing support of its donors. We are changing the way we do development in order to reflect better the grassroots character of Higher Things – pastors, parents, congregations, youth workers and volunteers who fervently desire to cultivate a Lutheran identity in our youth and dare them to be Lutheran.

As a first step in this process, we have phased out the position of Development Coordinator, one of only two full-time salaried positions in Higher Things.  This position has been filled over the past 18 months by Erika Gehrke, whom many of you know as a former Christ on Campus volunteer and from her presence at the Higher Things display booth and her personal visits to congregations. 

Erika’s capable and enthusiastic outreach to Higher Things’ supporters has provided us a firm foundation of good will among our donors upon which we can continue to build in the years to come.  We are deeply grateful for Erika’s zeal for spreading the word about Higher Things and getting the Gospel of Jesus into the ears of our youth.  We pray God’s peace and joy for her future adventures.

For questions regarding development, support, and donations please contact Pr. Joel Fritsche (


We Heard You!! 2008 Conference Registration Extended!

While the available spots at all three Amen conferences have been filling up faster than ever, we’ve also been deluged with emails and calls asking us for extensions on turning in registrations and deposits.  It seems that Lent and Easter sneaking up on us so early this year has made getting youth groups organized about as difficult as nailing Jell-O to a tree.

We’ve decided to extend registration through the week following Easter – groups now have until March 30 to register!  You will continue to be able to download registration forms and register online at for nearly another month.  This also allows groups who were having trouble being decisive (you know who you are!) to decide to attend one of the three Amen conferences this summer.

So why should you take advantage of this extension and send your youth to one of the 2008 Amen Conferences?

WORSHIP – Conferences provide many opportunities for youth and chaperones to participate in our best possible expression of traditional, Christ-centered, Lutheran worship. Three times a day, services are conducted from the Lutheran Service Book by LCMS pastors. The preaching and singing at Higher Things conference is an amazing thing to behold. Smaller groups are also invited to pray the service of Compline together each night before lights-out. Youth really come to appreciate the liturgical traditions of our churches when they are taught why we do what we do, so materials and opportunities to learn about our historical worship practices will be provided for groups both before and during the conferences.

WORK“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young,” St. Paul tells Timothy (1 Tim. 4:12). How can young people “Dare to be Lutheran” if they don’t know what it means to be a Lutheran in this world? Catechesis (religious instruction) at Higher Things conferences is known for being fairly intense – come prepared to learn! Many people today don’t think youth are capable of learning about doctrinal issues, or that they’re even interested in doing so. We have found just the opposite to be true! At our conferences, youth have many, many opportunities to learn more about their faith and its uniqueness in the Christian world. Sectional workshops are offered on a variety of subjects of interest to young people to help them understand and express a faithful perspective when talking to their friends, teachers, and families. Catechetical speakers at Higher Things conferences are pastors or laity in the LCMS.

PLAY – One of the reasons youth come to conferences is to meet other Lutherans from around the world. Higher Things conferences incorporate many fun activities as an integral part of the week! Each site we visit offers new and very different ways for youth to enjoy themselves and get to know each other – baseball games, karaoke, laser tag, hiking, square dancing, bowling, and improv comedy have all been some of the ways we’ve had fun at past conferences. We also schedule some free time so that groups can have an opportunity to have fun together during the week as well.


For more information about the conference you can…

  1. Visit our official conference website at
  2. Email us at
  3. Call us toll-free at 1-888-HTCONF-08.  If one of our operators is not standing by for your call, leave a message and your call will be returned within a day.

Higher Things dares to be Lutheran, meaning that we don’t hide our uncompromising emphasis on the Gospel and all that Christ has done for us. Youth tell us again and again that they love Higher Things conferences because they get to spend four days immersed in hearing the about their Savior and their Christian faith.  Don’t miss this additional, extended opportunity to attend one of the conferences this summer!

In Christ,

Sandra Ostapowich
2008 Amen Conference Coordinator
Higher Things, Inc.


Christ on Campus Volunteer Applications

Calling all college students!

If you are interested in serving as a Christ on Campus Volunteer (CCV) at one of this summer’s Amen conferences but you haven’t applied yet, you are encouraged to do so quickly!

Everything you need to learn about being a CCV and to apply online is right here.

For those of you who have applied, please note that we will be making final decisions within the next week after registration closes. We will let you know ASAP!

Rev. Marcus T. Zill
Christ on Campus Executive


Internet Services Executive

Higher Things is excited to announce that a familiar face on your website will be a permanent fixture for years to come.  The Rev. Mark Buetow, formerly the “interim” Internet Services Executive, is interim no more! By action of the Board of Directors, Mark is now our Internet Services Executive. Pr. Buetow serves as as pastor of Bethel Lutheran Church in Du Quoin, Illinois. He and his wife, Susan, have three children – twins Naomi and Anna and Emily. He received his STM in 2000 from Concordia Seminary – St. Louis and served in New Orleans until Hurricane Katrina washed his congregation away.

Pastor Buetow is all about free gifts. He is the editor of HT’s free devotions, the Higher Things Reflections. He oversees the content of our completely free and wonderfully updated website.  He even uses a free operating system – Ubuntu (which means “almost as good as a Mac”). His delight is to proclaim the free gift of salvation in Jesus, which is why we are so glad to have him.  Welcome, Pastor Buetow!


New Business Executive

Higher Things is pleased to announce that Mrs. Connie Brammeier has joined us to be our new Business Executive. Connie brings a wealth of experience in managing not-for-profit organizations, including serving as business manager for the Salvation Army. She is a member (and the treasurer) of Trinity Lutheran Church in Kearney, MO (home of the “Cwirlies”) where she and her husband also serve as youth leaders.

As Business Executive for Higher Things, Connie will manage the day-to-day business operations to ensure that our “first article” machinery is running smoothly. Welcome to the Higher Things family, Connie!