
By Way of Clarification

It has come to our attention that potentially misleading information has been circulating regarding Mr. Dan Woodring’s departure from Lutheranism and his associations with Higher Things. To set the public record straight, we are publishing this brief account of Mr. Woodring’s involvement with Higher Things.

Dan Woodring was one of the founders of Higher Things and served as its first president from 2001 to 2002, at which time he was succeeded by Pr. Klemet Preus, who served as president of Higher Thing until April, 2008. Mr. Woodring held the position of Executive Director from 2002 until 2005. He has had no subsequent involvement with Higher Things.

Higher Things remains committed to confessional Lutheran orthodoxy and liturgical worship in the Lutheran hymnal tradition. As a grassroots youth organization composed of LCMS pastors, teachers, and laity, our mission is to assist parents, congregations, and pastors in cultivating and promoting a Lutheran identity among youth through conferences, retreats, internet, publications, and campus ministries.

Now, as always, we “Dare to be Lutheran” and nothing else.

Pr. William M. Cwirla


Announcing: Sola!

Solo Christo

Sola Gratia

Sola Fide

Sola Scriptura

These are the great “solas”of the Reformation. Christ alone. Grace alone. Faith alone. Scripture alone. Sola means “alone.”You can’t get much more Lutheran than the Solas! Nor can you learn more about being a Lutheran than from the doctrines they confess. We are saved by Jesus Christ alone – by His holy life and bitter suffering and death in our place. All that Christ has accomplished for us has been done by grace alone – without any merit or worthiness in us. Faith alone receives His gifts for us with a response of “Amen.” And the Good News of Jesus and the salvation He has won for us is sure and certain because it is in Scripture alone. That very Gospel made Martin Luther,well…Lutheran! You too!

Higher Things is pleased to invite you to attend our 2009 Summer Youth Conferences,where we will be rejoicing in the one, true faith Lutherans have believed, taught, and confessed since the Reformation nearly 500 years ago.

San Antonio

Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas
July 7-10 2009

Grand Rapids

Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan
July 21-24, 2009

Two opportunities to hear the Gospel at a Higher Things conference in 2009! Two great locations! Registration for this summer’s conferences opens on All Saints Day (November 1, 2008) and will close on March 1, 2008 or whenever each conference reaches its capacity. Get ready to register your groups soon – we expect these conferences to fill quickly! More details about the conferences will be posted on our website soon.

In Christ,
Gina Pruis
2009 Conference Coordinator
Higher Things, Inc.

“For we maintain that a man is justified by faith alone, apart from works of Law.” (Romans 3:28)


Trinity Reflections (Part 2) Now Available!

The Trinity Season, the Time of the Church continues on. In this next batch of Higher Things Daily Reflections, we continue to hear the Good News of salvation accomplished by Jesus on the cross and salvation delivered by the Spirit in the means of grace. This set of Reflections is written by the Rev. Mark Buetow, Bethel Lutheran Church, Du Quoin, Illinois. To download the Reflections in a printable booklet format, click here.


Amen Bible Studies

Are you going to this summer’s Amen Conference? If so, Higher Things has prepared four bible studies that you and your youth group can use to get ready for the conference. They’re available from our Catechesis page, or you can click on the links below to download them in PDF format.


The Frio Retreat (June 12-14)

Please send forms to me at

Erin Stephens

8225 FM 620 N #1136

Austin TX 78726

Group registration form

Individual registration form

See you there!



“Amen for a Day” Registration Opens!

Once again, Higher Things is excited to announce that we are providing an opportunity for adults to visit our conferences this summer. Many people want first-hand information about our organization and our conferences. Here’s your chance to find out for yourselves!

Individuals may pre-register to attend one day of a conference for $50 if pre-registration forms and payment is received by June 15, 2008. You will be notified by June 20, 2008 if your form has been received and will be given specific information about parking, check-in, etc. Walk-in guests will be accepted at the conference Information table for a fee of $60 per day.

“Amen for a Day” registration will allow you to personally experience an entire day’s worth of conference activities.

You will receive admission all catechesis sessions, worship services, and entertainment events for that day (meals and housing will be on your own), as well as a conference T-shirt and a 1-year subscription to Higher Things magazine.

Please download the “Amen for a Day” Pre-Registration Form and mail it to the Conference Registrar at the address printed in the form by June15, 2008. Questions? Email or call 1-888-HT-CONF08.


2008 Trinity Reflections (Part 1) Now Available

Reflections for Pentecost and the beginning of the Trinity Season are now available. Written by Rev. Joel Fritsche and Rev. Rick Sawyer, these Reflections take us into the “Church Half” of the Church Year in which the Spirit brings the Lord’s Word to our ears, reminding us of all that Jesus said and did and leading us into all truth. You can download the Reflections in a printable booklet format here.


Registration for 6th Annual Campus Staff Conference

Final plans are coming together for the Sixth Annual Christ on Campus Staff Conference which will be held May 28-30 in Knoxville, TN. This is an earlier date than normal for our annual conference so don’t forget to register!

Early bird registration continues through May 1st!

Whether you are already doing campus ministry or are just getting started; whether you are a full- or part-time campus pastor, a town and gown pastor, a DCE, a DCO, or an interested layperson, this conference is for you.

Learn more about the conference and how to register!

As always please contact me if you have any questions. We hope to see you in Knoxville!

Rev. Marcus Zill, Executive
Higher Things, Christ on Campus

“Confessing Christ on Campus Since 1517”

P.S. Don’t forget – registration for seminarians is free!


The Last Day!

Not THE Last Day, but the last day to register for the 2008 Higher Things “Amen” conferences has arrived!

Gather up your registration information and fees, get online, and get your group registered TODAY!  After Sunday, March 30, all new registrations must be handled and approved directly by a member of the registration and housing staff.  For groups already registered, after April 1, cancellations are non-refundable and cannot be credited toward your group’s final balance, and substitutions may only be made for people of the same gender and category (youth/adult). 

Final balances are also due on April 1.  If it seems like that came up quickly, please remember that we extended the registration period but we cannot extend the payment schedule as well. Deposits can still be accepted via online payment through PayPal, but the final balance must be paid by check or money order.  Please send all registration checks to the address below:

Higher Things Registrations
PMB #4304
2525 Broadway
Everett, WA 98201

If you have any last minute questions about the conferences (this year’s or in general), check out the Frequently Asked Questions at our website.

Even if you don’t have a group going to a conference from your church, you can help to provide some financial support for the conferences.  Higher Things Conferences have a number of important expenses that can be underwritten by one or multiple donors. Some of the needs we have are:

  • Scholarships for CCV (Christ on Campus Volunteer) registrations so that starving college students don’t have to pay any registration fees (even discounted ones). These young adults work HARD at the conferences and provide invaluable help for all the staff and other volunteers.
  • Conference T-shirts for all registrants. We anticipate this expense to cost about $12,000 total. These shirts are a great way for kids to take home a souvenir of their week, and provide great opportunities for them to confess their faith and what they learned when they wear them at home!
  • Magazine subscriptions. This year, Higher Things is providing each registrant with a 1-year subscription to Higher Things: Dare to be Lutheran magazine.  Value $10,000 total.

Other questions about the conferences can be directed to  Specific questions about registration can be sent to and housing concerns should be sent to  Or, you can just call 1-888-HT-CONF08.

We also ask everyone to please keep the staff, volunteers, group leaders and especially the youth who are preparing to attend this summer’s conferences in your prayers in the months and weeks ahead.

“Our Paschal Lamb, that sets us free, Is sacrificed.  O keep the feast of freedom gallantly; let alleluias leap: Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia! Again, sing alleluia, cry aloud: Alleluia! Amen!

Let all our deeds, unanimous, confess Him as our Lord Who by the Spirit lives in us, the Father’s living Word. Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia! Again, sing alleluia, cry aloud: Alleluia! Amen!”

(LSB #473, verses 1 and 3)


Not Ashamed: Now for Adults Too!

Big kids of all ages, want a chance to learn with your kids? Adults are invited to attend the catechetical sessions and listen to the speakers at the “Not Ashamed” retreat and to learn about defending their faith for a reduced cost (just $15). A chance to see what your children are learning and maybe pick up a thing or two for yourself.

Info on the Retreat: Trinity Beloit’s webpage and Upcoming Retreats
