
Registration for Sola 2009 is open!

Don’t miss the opportunity to be amongst the first register for SOLA, a Higher Things Lutheran Youth Conference. Two opportunities to hear the Gospel at a Higher Things conference in 2009! Two great locations! Registration for this summer’s conferences opens on All Saints Day (November 1, 2008) and will close on March 1, 2009 or whenever each conference reaches its capacity. Get ready to register your groups soon – we expect these conferences to fill quickly! Check out and follow the link to Registration Information where you will be able to download and print a group leader’s information packet with step by step instructions.


Reformation 2008 Bible Study

Greetings in Christ!

As Lutherans around the world celebrate the Festival of the Reformation, HT is pleased to offer “Can’t Buy Me Grace!” a Bible Study on the Reformation. This Bible Study is a great way to introduce youth to the history of the Lutheran Reformation and the importance of the true Gospel as central to our Christian Faith. This Bible Study is available to all HT-Online subscribers, please visit for a downloadable Bible Study booklet and Leader’s Guide.

Happy Reformation!

Pastor Mark Buetow
Higher Things Internet Services


Trinity Season Reflections (Part 6)

Following the festivals of the Reformation and All Saints, the Church Year winds to a close, drawing our attention to the Last Day when our Lord Jesus returns. Until that day, our hearts and minds are given to watching and waiting and receiving our Lord as He comes to us now in His church, through His means of grace. There He delivers to us the salvation He has won for us on the cross and which sustains us to that Last Day. These Reflections are written by Pastor Dan Bremer, Grace Lutheran Church, Grand Island, Nebraska as well as by Higher Things staff writers. click here.


Life Giving Water

Life Giving Water

November 8, 2008

The Rev. Brent Kuhlman

Zion Ev. Lutheran Church in Storm Lake, Iowa

This retreat is for 5th-8th graders and costs $10.00/person (includes lunch).

Group Registration | Individual Registration

More information is available on the upcoming retreats page. The deadline to register is November 1, 2008.


Reflections Writers Wanted

Higher Things is looking for LCMS pastors to be Reflections writers to deliver the Gospel daily to Youth and their families! Writers should strive to communicate salvation accomplished (the cross!) and salvation delivered (the means of grace) in a simple and direct way that engages our Youth and family readers. If you would be interested in writing a batch of Daily Reflections (usually 2-4 weeks worth), then please email the Reflections Editor, Pastor Buetow at We currently have openings for the Epiphany and Pre-Lent Seasons as well as Easter, and most of 2009. Interested writers will be asked to submit a sample Reflection for approval.


This is the Feast (January 23- 25)

This is the Feast- A Higher Things Retreat
January 23- 25, 2009

Where: Trinity Lutheran Church, Sheboygan, WI
Cost: $45 on or before December 5, 2008; $55 after December 5, 2008
(cost includes tickets to the Erin Bode Concert)
Speaker: Pr. William Cwirla
Entertainment: Erin Bode
For more information and forms: Check out;
contact Chris Melcher at; or call (920) 458-8246
Camping-in at the church available if desired


Trinity Season Reflections (Part 5)

The Church continues to live from Jesus’ Word and Sacraments as her life and joy. Pastor Bill Cwirla, President of Higher Things, Pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Hacienda Heights, California, and Conference Chaplain at Amen Irivne is the author of Part 5 of the Trinity Season. To download the Reflections in a printable booklet format, click here.



In order to provide Youth, Parents, Pastors, and Churches the highest quality in Youth resources, Catechesis, and Gospel-centered content, Higher Things introduces HT-Online!  HT-Online is a subscription service that gives you access to a large variety of online resources. These include: Online copies of the Higher Things magazine (past and present), Bible Studies and Leaders’ Guides based on magazine articles, audio resources (such as early access to HT Radio and audio clips from our summer conferences), and other premium articles and content. All of these resources can be yours for the small subscription offering of just $25.00 per year.

To subscribe online, please click here.

Thank you for your continued support of Higher Things, making us able to offer the best in Lutheran Content to our kids, as we Dare them to be Lutheran!

Please Note: Current HT-Online subscribers (those who purchased a web-subscription to the magazine) will be able to enjoy all of the HT-Online content until your subscription expires, at which time you will be invited to renew for the $25 annual rate.


Retreat in Council Bluffs, IA This Weekend!

Group Form  |  Individual Form

It’s not to late to check out this great retreat! If you’re in the Iowa area (or Nebraska), jet on over for some HT worship, work, and of course, fun!



HT Radio – Today at 8pm!!!!

Higher Things on the Radio?  You betcha!  Powered by Pirate Christian Radio!  Higher Things Radio comes to you today!

Christ-centered, youth orientated, edgy, taking on topics that we probably shouldn’t, that’s Higher Things.  When that gets broadcasted, who knows what will happened!  Only the Lord does.. but we’ll have fun as long as we’re on the air.

Check it out HT Radio tonight on  Pirate Christian Radio tonight at 8pm Central and podcasted from the Higher Things tomorrow! 

You ready?  We aren’t…but ready or not .. here we come, into your ears, streaming, and in your ipod with Christ crucified for you!

You excited?  I am… right after I recover from the fear!

In Christ,

Pastor Borghardt
Conference Executive
Higher Things, Inc.