
Baptismal I.D.: A Pre-Confirmation Retreat

Retreat information for Baptismal I.D. – April 2011

It seems like everyone around you is telling you how to dress, how to behave, and how to be cool. One minute you’re in. The next minute you’re out. Everything changes so fast, it’s impossible to keep up! But even while everything around you changes, your identity in Christ never does.

Spend a couple of days learning from Rev. Mark Buetow the identity the Lord has given you in Baptism is an unchanging comfort in this crazy life. Pastor Buetow serves Bethel Lutheran Church in DuQuoin, IL and is the Media Executive for Higher Things, Inc.

When: April 8-9, 2011
Where: Trinity Lutheran Church / 1715 South Jefferson / Kearney, MO
Cost: $25 – Friday and Saturday / $20 – Saturday ONLY
RSVP: Becky Brammerier (816) 628-6644 or or Sandra Ostapowich at (888) 482-6630 or

Click here to download an information packet for “Baptismal I.D.: A Higher Things Pre-Confirmation Retreat”.

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