As Lutheran As It Gets

03: Nagel – The Spirit’s Gifts in the Confessions

Pr. Riley and Pr. Gillespie listen to Norman Nagel on the distinctiveness of First, Second, and Third Article gifts.

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And as always, don’t forget Pr. Gillespie’s coffee, Coffee by Gillespie, for your caffeination needs.

As Lutheran As It Gets

02: Sasse – Particularity of the Sacraments

In our second episode, Pr. Riley and Pr. Gillespie consider the Hermann Sasse on the uniqueness of each Sacrament.

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And as always, don’t forget Pr. Gillespie’s coffee, Coffee by Gillespie, for your caffeination needs.

As Lutheran As It Gets

01: Martin Luther – Commentary on Psalm 118:17

As Lutheran As It Gets

The first episode of the HT podcast from Pr. Riley and Pr. Gillespie: AS LUTHERAN AS IT GETS. In our inaugural episode, we delve deep into Luther’s letter/commentary on Psalm 118:17.

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And as always, don’t forget Pr. Gillespie’s coffee, Coffee by Gillespie, for your caffeination needs.

HT Simulcast

Episode 80: On Spiritual Fathers

The series finale of the HT SimulCast from Pr. Riley and Pr. Gillespie.

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And as always, don’t forget Pr. Gillespie’s coffee, Coffee by Gillespie, for your caffeination needs.

HT Simulcast

Episode 79: Friendship, congregation, and tribalism

The newest SimulCast from Pr. Riley and Pr. Gillespie.

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And as always, don’t forget Pr. Gillespie’s coffee, Coffee by Gillespie, for your caffeination needs.

HT Simulcast

Episode 78: Get Real – True Reality Found in Christ

They’re back! This week, Pastor Riley and Kate discuss the reality of Christianity, founded on Christ’s real sacrifice for sinners. As opposed to other gods that are shadowy impressions of humans, created by humans, Christ gives us our identity. When we enter the church each week, when we read God’s Word, we find a greater reality, one that isn’t centered on human nature, fears, or desires, but a reality focused on Christ and His gifts.

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And as always, don’t forget Pr. Gillespie’s coffee, Coffee by Gillespie, for your caffeination needs.

HT Simulcast

Episode 77: The Conference Edition

This week, the Pastor Riley is joined by a special guest, media executive Aaron Fenker, to discuss the summer HT conferences. What can you expect? What about worship and teaching? Do we have fun or is it boring? Tune in to find out!

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And as always, don’t forget Pr. Gillespie’s coffee, Coffee by Gillespie, for your caffeination needs.

HT Simulcast

Episode 76: The Forsaken God

This week, Pastor Riley and Kate examine the meaning of Christ’s two natures in His sacrifice for us on the cross. The witnesses who mocked Jesus on the cross and told him to save himself provide the question: If Jesus is God, why does he suffer and die on that cross? Gods don’t suffer, gods don’t die. Therefore for sinful humans, there are only two options. Either Jesus is not really God and therefore could suffer and die, or Jesus is truly God, and he only hung on the cross in a ghostly spirit form. Of course, our salvation hinges on the truth that Jesus is truly both God and man, and that he made himself lower than the Father when he took on human flesh and humbled himself to die on a cross, as Paul says in Phillipians 2.

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And as always, don’t forget Pr. Gillespie’s coffee, Coffee by Gillespie, for your caffeination needs.

HT Simulcast

Episode 75: Gnosticism

This week, the Pastor Riley and Kate discuss the philosophical worldview of Gnosticism. This false teaching is not simply an early Church heresy. It is a philosophy that existed prior to establishment of the early Church in the first century, and was used by heretics to distort the teachings of the Church. Like other heresies and false teachings that the early Church encountered, Gnosticism continues to plague Christianity today in one way or another.

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And as always, don’t forget Pr. Gillespie’s coffee, Coffee by Gillespie, for your caffeination needs.

HT Simulcast

Episode 74: Water, Blood, and Spirit Crying

This week, the pastors and Kate discuss the wonderful hymn Water, Blood, and Spirit Crying, LSB 597. This beautiful hymn encapsulates the Christian’s life. The emphasis is only and always on Christ. The waters of Baptism, the Blood of the Sacrament, the Holy Spirit Himself all point to Jesus, our life. The sinner dies in baptism to be raised to new life in Christ, the Body and Blood of our Savior gives us life anew every Sunday and keeps us steadfast in the faith all our lives, and the Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts, forever keeping us one with Christ. This hymn never mentions our own poor works or desires, but properly demonstrates that the Christian life is a life won by Christ and given by the Holy Spirit.

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And as always, don’t forget Pr. Gillespie’s coffee, Coffee by Gillespie, for your caffeination needs.