HT Simulcast

Episode 20: Social Justice, Politics, and the Church

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These days, many Christians are not only politically active but so are Christian congregations, and even entire church bodies. It can be confusing for many people because stances on both sides of socio-political issues sometimes seem to be emphasized more than the Gospel of Christ crucified for all sinners. This week, Sandra and Pastor Riley tiptoe through the minefield of church and politics while keeping their eyes on Christ.

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HT Simulcast

Episode 19: Atheism and the Gods Christians Don’t Believe In Either

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Has atheism changed in the last generation or so? It used to be that atheists tended to be more angry and militant about their lack of belief. But now it seems that a lot of people are comfortable, satisfied with life, unconcerned, even “spiritual” atheists. So how does a Christian talk to such a person? Maybe making logical arguments to dismantle their atheism isn’t the best approach. Join Sandra and Pastor Riley as they discuss ways to confess the Christian faith with atheists.

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HT Simulcast

Episode 18: …And Your Sinful Flesh

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As Christians, we are assailed every day by the devil, the world, and our sinful flesh. But it’s easy to dismiss the ways that our sinful flesh can betray us, especially when sin effects our ability to think and feel. Providing spiritual and pastoral care isn’t about getting people to improve themselves and sin less, but absolving those sins, preaching the Word in its full strength and purity, baptizing and communing them, and reminding them of who they are in Christ. Over and over and over and over again.

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HT Simulcast

Episode 17: All. The. Feelings.

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A lot of Christians (including ourselves) talk a big talk when it comes to loving God and loving our neighbors. It’s great to do these things in theory, but practice is another story entirely. If we’re honest, we don’t even want to. It doesn’t help that we understand love (and other fruit of the Spirit) as feelings and then believe that in order to love God and our neighbors, we need to work up these feelings from within ourselves. And then what happens when your ability to feel and process is impaired by things like mental illness? Join Sandra and Pastor Riley as they discuss feelings, the lack thereof, and the freeing news that the Spirit produces them in and through us by the Gospel.

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HT Simulcast

Episode 16: María y José

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Many artists have depicted the Nativity showing the holy family in their own ethnicities, as a way to show that Jesus came to save all people. Similarly, some Bible translators have paraphrased the Bible into slang for different regions of the world. This week, Sandra and Pastor Riley discuss where to draw the line between artistic and literary license to communicate the Gospel, and using art and language to further your own cultural agenda.

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HT Simulcast

Episode 15: Happy Sad-vent and the Baby Jesus

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On this episode, Sandra and Pastor Riley discuss the phenomenon that for many people, the Advent and Christmas seasons are full of traditions…and stress. People who don’t attend the rest of the year go to church, expecting to hear the familiar Christmas narrative and relive childhood memories. (Or at least as close as they can get.) Everyone likes the nice Baby Jesus story of Christmas, but what we really need to hear is the undiluted, full-on, Gospel–that we needed Baby Jesus to be born so He would grow up and die for our sins.

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HT Simulcast

Episode 14: Boxes or Baptisms

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As sinners, we constantly put people into various pigeonholes on the basis of to their sins rather than according to who they are in Christ. And worse, we find ways to justify doing so as Christians. But is it possible that one reason we’re so uncomfortable with other sinners is because they confront us with our own sinfulness and unworthiness before God? Listen in on Sandra and Pastor Riley as they try to figure out how to crucify those desires of the flesh and see people–not according to the boxes we’ve put them in but according to their baptisms.

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Episode 13: We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!

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Marriage, weddings, husbands and wives are a common theme throughout all of Scripture, with Christ and the Church as the image of the marriage relationship. The Lord’s Supper is even understood as a foretaste of the wedding feast to come. What would happen if the church used this image as a starting point for inviting people to communion? Yet so often, our first inclination is to restrict people from receiving the forgiveness, life, and salvation that is offered there. Join Pastor Riley and Sandra as we discuss the complex ins and outs of communion fellowship and the Simul!

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HT Simulcast

Episode 12: Gospel-ier and Gospel-ier…?

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So often we struggle to feel like we know the Gospel more or believe it better better than we did the day before — or at least more or better than the next person. But is the Gospel even something that can be measured and quantified? Sandra and Pastor Riley discuss how Christians believe that our sins are forgiven in Christ…while at the same time we’re filled with doubts. And of course, we talk about how vocations provide the freedom and context to tell others that this good news is for them too

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HT Simulcast

Episode 11: The Happy Happy Joy Joy Episode

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This week, we’re talking about sexual abuse, rape. Sins committed against us in such intimate ways affect us physically and mentally, and spiritually. Yet people who experience these sins don’t usually seek out the church as a place for support. Many, even years later, still believe that they need to either just ignore what happened or suffer silently. Pastor Riley and Sandra discuss some reasons why this is, and how we as Christians and the church can provide real comfort for those who have been sinned against.

Questions? Comments? Send them to us at or leave them on The SimulCast Facebook page.