
Advent in the Blogs….

“Come, O long-expected Jesus,  
Born to set your people free; 
From our fears and sins release us 
By your death on Calvary. 
Israel’s strength and consolation,  
Hope to all the earth impart, 
dear desire of ev’ry nation,  
Joy of ev’ry longing heart.” (LW 22)

To celebrate the Advent season and for your personal devotion, try these different Advent blogs:

What’s Advent?
Rev. Cwirla’s Blogosphere – Advent
Here I Stand – “God with Us in Advent”
Non Cogito Ergo non Sum – Parate, PREPARE. Advenite, Adventa, COME.

Advent Sermons
The Rev. Brent Kuhlman – First Sunday in Advent Sermon (C)
Bloghardt’s Reflector – First Sunday in Advent (Historic)
Little Loci – “The Magnificat”
Bloghardt’s Reflector – Second Sunday in Advent (Historic) and Audio
Little Loci – Second Sunday in Advent 2 (Historic)
Brent Kuhlman – Second Sunday in Advent (C)

Advent Hymns & Prayers
The Brain – “Reflections on an Unconventional Advent Hymn”
MouthHouse Mom’s – Gerhardt’s Advent Hymn
Psalming Padawan – An Advent Prayer

Advent Wreaths and Colors!
Lovable Lutheran’s Blog – “Advent and It’s Colors”
Madre’s Missives – “I’ll have a Blue Advent” (She wants a blog war, I’m gonna give her one)
Bloghardt’s Reflector – “What Goes Up” (Violet, baby!)

Advent – He comes!
Christus Victor – “The Triumphant Entry”
Operation Log on Agent Delta – Advent
Liberatum – “He comes in blessing”

Advent & the Media
Madre’s Missives – Nativity Story Review

Remember, the Higher Things website is all about interaction!  Items aren’t just posted by bloggers, they are posted for discussion.  What do you think?  How do you feel about this? Do you agree? Do you not? How does this deliver Jesus? That’s what we do best on this site! Discuss, rejoice, and most importantly receive Jesus!  That’s what blogging is about at HT! 

May the Lord use the thoughts and mediations of these writers to focus your preparation for Advent.  Jesus is coming soon!  Prepare the way!

Come Lord Jesus.  Amen.

Pastor Borghardt
Internet Services Executive
Higher Things, Inc.

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