
A Foretaste of BAMBI

Question… Questions… and more Questions!

That seems to be all we’re getting these days here at Higher Things Internet Services. It seems that everyone wants to know what’s going on with BAMBI, that is Big Audacious Mega-Hairy Bodacious Idea. Well, I can’t really tell you what we’re working on… but I can give you a foretaste of what you just might see in BAMBI.

What will BAMBI bring?  BAMBI is going to be interactive. That means, Higher Things the way you want it to be.  BAMBI also means that  we are going to expand Higher Things’ content on the website in a “big, audacious, mega-hairy, bodacious” kinda way.  This means, more Higher Things, for you!

What sort of “stuff” might show up in this Big Audacious Mega-Hairy Bodacious Idea?  Good question!  I can’t answer that fully yet.  But, I can share with you some interactive content that we hope to offer entitled “Dear Madre”, featuring our Secretary, Sandra Ostapowich.  This will be unlike anything else on Lutheran Youth websites today!  These posts will tackle teens’ questions about dating and relationships in HT’s “Dare to Be Lutheran” way – that is with Law/Gospel answers centered in the forgiveness Jesus won for us on the Cross and delivered to us in the Word and Sacraments. 

Teen magazines and websites are full of dating tips.  Most of the time, when things get “christian”-ized they become … legalistic.  How does a Lutheran go about this topic?  Have I piqued your interest?  Check out a special BAMBI preview on Madre’s blog here.   And since it’s BAMBI, it’ll be fully interactive – you ask, she answers. 

It only gets bigger… more audacious… more mega-hairy… and more bodacious.  BAMBI is coming …..

Happy Easter!

Stan Lemon
Higher Things Webmaster

By Higher Things

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