As Lutheran As It Gets

66: Philip Melanchthon – The Power of the Law

Martin Luther referred to Philip’s Loci Communes as “one of the clearest statements of the Christian religion ever written.” With this in mind, pastors Gillespie and Riley read and discuss Philip Melancthon’s Loci on the power of the law and the gospel.  What is the power of the Law? What distinguishes God’s Word of Law from human definitions of the law?

Martin Luther referred to Philip’s Loci Communes as “one of the clearest statements of the Christian religion ever written.” With this in mind, pastors Gillespie and Riley read and discuss Philip Melancthon’s Loci on the power of the law and the gospel.  What is the power of the Law? What distinguishes God’s Word of Law from human definitions of the law?

Text: Commonplaces: Loci Communes 1521 by Philip Melanchthon

Show Notes:

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And as always, don’t forget Pr. Gillespie’s coffee for your caffeinated needs.

By Rev. Christopher Gillespie

Rev. Christopher Gillespie is a strange brew of husband & father; Lutheran pastor (St. John Ev. Lutheran Church - Sherman Center, Random Lake WI); media producer (; specialty coffee roaster (